Wheel of the Year

The Wicca of today celebrate the eight festivals much like our ancestors of the past. The Sabbats track the movement of the Sun through the year and are thought to bring good fortune and prosperity according to the segment of the year to which each holiday relates. This means that our Sabbats are seasonally driven, and that we use the energies of the changing seasons to enhance our lives. This cycle of growth and death is described as the Weel of the Year.

Sometimes Wiccans will refer to Sabbats as "Major feasts" because we always have tons of great food to eat after the holiday cermony.

In the cermonies of many Wiccan traditions, these rituals allow the male energy to come into balance with that of the female energy. The events include a re-enactment of a legend associated with the induvidual holiday. The re-enactment (or play) is based on a story or legend that contains a moral. Not every Wiccan group re-enacts the same legend for the same holiday, which can be confusing to the newcomer.