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Queen's Ring Homepage

Peace to Man Woman and Child

This page here is the Queen's Ring WebCipher

This is directions to get into the Queens Ring WebCipher. Please make sure that your page adheres to the following criteria before submitting it to me.

~The page is owned by a refined Queen or Wisdom who has Knowledge of Self and knows the Science of Life.

~The page in some way is helping those who are blind, deaf and dumb see the light.

~The page is helping our civilization, expressing our talent and expressing who we are and our culture.

~You are willing to be a part of the Queens Ring family, I mean it! When one of us is in need you have to at least be willing to lend an ear, this is really a family.

~Spread the word about this Queens Ring, this is OUR WebCipher, so expand our Ring by letting this knowledge be born to those Queens who have WebPages.

If your page fits the above criteria, submit your page by all means!!

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Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

This QueensRing WebCipher site is owned by N'Djemena Love Marvelous Earth.

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This BLACK GODDESS Web Ring site is owned by
Queen Love Marvelous Earth.

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