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midnight drifts into being

darkness crowds the room

surrounding the spaces in between the moonbeams

the figure lying upon the bed reclines

naked, in the loose limbed embrace of sleep

from the corner an aged creature

of hallowed beauty crouches

is beckoned towards her

with a breathy sigh

she turns to her side

exposing the slender, pale column of her neck

to the hunger, already awakened inside the creature

but briefly having been held at bay

in an attempt to savor this seduction

returns with vengeance

quietly he moves towards her

(as he has for the past two nights)

already eagerly aroused

to feel the heady rush of ecstasy

while drinking from her veins

flood his being

(the only joy he is capable of feeling now)

quickly he pounces

sinking the exposed teeth

into the base hollow of her neck

the pulasting and throbbing of the vein having mesmerized him

she does not know

that she will soon be lost to the sun

but smiles in her sleep

as the erotic dream she has been reveling in

begins again

moaning with ectstasy

she dies.

and i was born

(c) Rachel Perlman 1997

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