The Dragon's Den Caverns

"If we ever meet again,...we ought to have the makings of the best story ever."

Richard Adams, Watership Down

This page was created for those of you out there who enjoy creating stories. What I propose to do is to have a story that is not written by one or two authors, but many!
What I want to do is give each writer a dragon character, and that writer will write from the point of view of their character and no other. Each writer will write a section of the story before ending it and passing it on to the next writer. This may sound odd, but I think it would make for a better story. Each writer will have their own vision of where the tale is heading, but one can throw a wrench in the works, and all of the other characters will have to react to that.

Below are different dragons that can be used as characters. If you do not see a dragon's stats under it, then it has not been taken yet. If two people apply for the same dragon in one day (unlikely but possible) I will take whoever applied first, and E-mail the other to please choose a new dragon. When you choose your dragon, E-mail me (address underneath the dragons) with the E-mail address you plan to use, and your dragon's stats (as much or as little as you would like to say about them). If you wish, you may include the first section of the story that you wish to write along with this E-mail.
Adopted dragons may also be used. If you wish to submit a dragon you've adopted, just tell me which dragon it was (I have them all on file somewhere), and give me the E-mail address and stats as usual.

For writing...

Each section of the story will be written from the point of veiw of one dragon. It can be as long or as short as the author wishes. I encourage including conversations, so you may write what other characters say, as long as you are sure to keep that character's personality the same.
For this reason, it is important that you explain your dragon in the first section you write. Introduce it to us, so that everyone knows how your character acts. If you wish, you can even set up a relationship with other charcters; family, friend, or otherwise ;), but I would suggest that you talk to that person about it, which is why I must ask for E-mail addresses.
Another important point is that all sorts of different characters are needed. Feel free to make your character a hero, a villain, a mystery, a helping hand, ect... Each has an important role in any good story, and having a variety will make it more fun. :)
I'm limiting it to one dragon per E-mail address, but if you wish another character and you have more than one address, that's fine with me.

To read the story as is stands as of yet, click here. To go to the Dragon's Den adoption forms click here.

Story illustrations!

I think that's all I have to say (don't think I don't hear you cheering! *g*) As I said, the dragons are below, have fun!

This page was last updated 1/29/01

Be sure to check out other collaborative story sites, listed at the bottome of this page!

The Dragon's Den Hatchery is only one of the many caves that exist within this mountain. There are many other dragons living in these caves, and some of them are portrayed here.

click on any of these pics to see a larger version.


Regular Dragon
Gender: Female
Age: 18 (converted to human years, she's acctually much older)
Height: 12 feet 6 inches when standing normally
Colors: green and blue
Eyes: blue

Her true name is Kala Alexia Mavashka Ash'Calal Dragonsong the twelfth, but because her family is well known, she usually just goes by Dragonsong12. She likes to take quotes from stories and songs that she thinks have meaning, and tends to let her mind wander a little more than is acceptable. Very loyal, of average strength and build, but while she is not physically strong, she is does have some magic.


Elemental Dragon
Gender- Female
Height- thirty-five feet tall, forty-two feet long
Colors- blue, green and fuschia
Eyes- silver (normally)

Malafyss Connjuurio is a powerful mage, one who has powers unknown even to her. For that reason, something is after her for her magic. Sent away on a journey by her family and guided by the voice of the wind, Malafyss is forced to journey until she finds something. The problem is she doesn't know what she is searching for. . .


(Pronounced "aye-ae-ka")

Qucksilver Dragon
Gender: Female
Length: 68 feet
Age (converted): Almost 19
Actual Age: 29,468 years
Colors: Normally black with a silver streak and wing webs and blue eyes, but has chameleon properties due to her being a quicksilver.

Aieka is a member of the oldest clan in existance, excluding the elementals, the quicksilvers. Quicksilvers hold the title of protecting the realm from anything. They protect everyone and everything, ranging from the Royalty down to a human's pet animal. They also keep records due to their longevity. Most dragons live anywhere from 50,000-80,000 years old, while quicksilvers live to at least 150,000. They can shapeshift without magick because they have liquid flesh, and quicksilver runs through their veins. They are able to work with any element because they are so versatile. Aieka has been sent to protect Malafyss from an evil that may destory their world. Malafyss holds the key to an ancient prophecy held by DeepSky, the oldest dragon alive, at 186,943 years old. Aieka is quiet, thoughtful, and very good at hiding her emotions, but may explode if you push her over the edge. She is secretive, and a very manipulative dragon, which is good for her job. She is an excellent listener, and may suprise you by ekeing out some information you may not have wanted or meant to reveal. She is usually silent and often not noticed, which makes her a good spy. She is not prejudiced about who she works for. If you pay her enough, she will do just about anything, making her the wonderful assassin that she is. Because she is a quicksilver and their job is to protect the realm, she has taken on the dirty jobs of dealing out justice in whatever means necessary. Be careful what you say around her, because she may find a way to use it against you if need be.


Miniature Firedrake
Gender: Male
Age: No one knows :)
Size: About three feet tall, comparable to the size of a chicken.
Color: Blue and green
Eyes: Blue

Fazelspitz (or, as he likes to be called, Fazelspitz the great and wonderful) is somewhat of a mystery. He was well an adult when he was found and saved by Dragonsong12, and has never offered anything about his past. It seems that that is the way he likes it. He thinks very highly of himself, but he is extremely loyal to Dragonsong12. No one knows how old he truly is, and it can be a great age, for he claims he is not what he calls a TrueDragon, which is one of the normal races. Of this fact, he is ridiculously proud. He is strong, despite his small size, and his arms (which double for his wings) are very powerful. Like other firedrakes, he spends most of his time in the air, as he is very awkward on the ground, and despises water.

Crimson Wyldeburn

Fire Dragon
Age-21 (converted)
Size-15 feet when standing on all four legs, 24 on hind legs. About 18 feet long with a 40ft wingspan.
Colours-Red and gold
Very hot tempered and quick to react, Crimson is often the living proof of the saying 'Fools rush in where wise dragons fear to tread'. His immediate reaction is to act first and think later. He has an average command of magic; basically, if it's to do with fire, he can do it, although he prefers to rely on his own physical abilities (and of course his own firebreath) The other thing he can do (not really worth calling it a spell) is change his appearance and personality into that of his alter-ego Blizzard Coldfyre. Given that Crimson has a split personality, this isn't really much of a feat given that he can do it when he likes (or when Blizzard gets fed up with letting Crimson control most of the actions and wants to take over for a while.)

Blizzard Coldfyre

Fire Dragon (well, kinda)
Age-21 (converted)
Size-14 feet on all legs, 25 on hindlegs. 20ft long with a 42ft wingspan
Colours-Dark cyan and blue-black
Calm and laid back to the point of being frustrating, Blizzard is often reluctant to do anything that involves too much physical exertion. About the only characteristic he shares with his alter-ego Crimson Wyldeburn is a fierce loyalty to his friends. Blizzard also has an excellent command of water magic, and will use it, particularly a Rainfall spell. Hey, anything to avoid having to walk to the lake to take a bath, right?

Agra Marutha Delharien

Gender: Female
Age: 24 (in converted years)
Size: 15 feet, nose to tail tip
Colors: Black and Red
Eyes: Yellow
Quick both in movement and in thought, Agra proves an observant dragon who offers valuable insight to her fellow dragons. While she hates the terms "eavesdropper" and "spy," they most accurately describe what she is. She has a dry wit and is usually sarcastic, even with friends. She has no magic, which is a sore spot with her, but her skill at stealth and her ground and air speed usually make up for that.

Gender: Male
Length: 62 feet
Age (converted):

Dirk Ironclaw


His battle-axe is made of iron from a stone that fell from the sky. It does not lose its edge and blood does not cling to it. He is the only one who can hold it (but so can the smith who made it.) He also has a staff of Iron Bark wood. It is heavy, thick, and has a concealed spike in each end which spring out when he presses a concealed switch.
All his other posessions are in a backpack he ties between his wings. He doesn't understand Hoards.
e is from a land far to the south on the other side of the equator, so he has an odd accent and his sense of direction is bad. "the sun is in the wrong part of the sky." He is fascinated by the trees that change colour and lose their leaves for winter, and is amazed by snow. But he doesn't like mud.
He would rather be friendly first becuase he has been through so many battles in the service of others he would rather not fight without reason. Even though he can be friendly when you first meet him, he is guarded and will not give his trust. He has been disappointed too often in the past. When he feels he can trust someone he is a great and loyal friend. Questions about his past and his family will only get you vague answers.
He can also be a terrible and dedicated enemy. The enemies of his friends should never show their faces while he is around.
His tales are embellished greatly, yet no matter how outlandish they sound they are real events. He is really really bad at telling outright lies and he knows when others are not telling the truth.
He is 30' long and has a wing span of 70'. His scales are the dark blue of an evening sky but his wing sails are blood red. His magic could be greater but he limits himself to healing, an art much prized by his warrior companions.
In his other form he is a tall warrior who could be older than 20 years, but younger than 40. The axe changes size to suit the form.


Mist Dragon
Gender: Female (though she's old enough she sometimes doubts)
Length: fifty-two feet
Wingspan: one hundred twenty feet
Weight: two hundred fifty pounds (not a lot for a dragon)
Age: unknown (she's about as old as the planet)
Colors: white-blue
Eyes: blue

Nightwhisper is a rare mist dragons. These dragons are older than all and are very rare because they are only born when the raw elements wind and water join. As time continues, it is rare to find a pocket of energy with the raw materials for it. Because of the legends of mist dragon's powers, Nightwhisper stays hidden in the catacombs of Dragonsong's mountain. She desperately hates her imprisonment, though, and wants to go on an adventure with only a few chosen people. No one seems to know a lot about her and some think she is heartless because she never shows any emotions. She always makes quiet references that her emotions have horrible effects on the planet, but she never says straight out why.

Ailwynn Eiyezahlen

(pronounced "AYE-ill-win aye-HEY-zah-len")

Water elemental dragon
Gender: female
Age: converted years - 29
Size: 35 feet long

A water dragon who cannot stand to be away from water for too long, she makes her home near the sea. She knows the animals of the water and can talk with them from a distance, calling them if she needs them. She knows a spell exists, somewhere, to allow her to go more than a few weeks without sleeping in the deep blue. She just hasn't gotten the initiative to go look for it. Until now...


Torso: 23 ft.
Tail: 51 ft.
Colors: Blood red back, gold-yellow chest and orange spikes.
Converted: 21 human years
Actual: 32, 691
Gender: Male

Wyrlin is an oddity among dragons. He is not entirely pure blooded. . .Not anymore. As a dracling, he was kidnapped and taken from his family, of whom he knows nothing. He does not remember them, nor they him. He was experimented on by the Dark Lord, trying to make the perfect warrior, by adding the blood of a scorpion as well as the blood of a cobra, leaving the tail with poisoned spikes as a calling card. Wyrlin feels a great hatred towards the sorcerer who has taken him from his family and turned him into the abnormal outcast that he is. He seeks revenge in whatever way possible with whatever means possible. He travels with his only friend, a spider named WebJumper, in whom he confides all his secrets and hopes. He also has a secret: He is Dragonsong 12's little brother . . . or was.

Kalon Skye

Thief Dragon
Gender: male
Length: thirty-five feet
Age: unknown
Colors: blue, purple, and yellow
Eyes: green

Kalon Skye is known as the Thyef, and that's exactly how it is. However, he is very choosy about what he does. No one seems to know him, but Kalon is very choosy about those who he picks his friends with. And for all the pain he sometimes brings, he always tries to set things right.


A Shadow
Mystery shrouds this one, and trickery follows
rumored to be around 27
Colors: Black with blue spikes on head, blue wing webbing, and blue tail spikes.

Not much is known about him. He doesn't get along to well with others, and would rather play tricks and pretend to be their friend. He will remain a mystery, or though he says he will ;-)


~ * taken * ~

Swamp dragon
a wise old dragon he lets none see him save those he wishes to

Ae'Cirra Versura Maehan

~No Pic Yet~

Spectrum Dragon
Colors: White body with rainbow head, legs and wings and silver eyes and claws
Size: 18 feet tall on four legs (can't stand on two), 70 feet long (most of it neck, tail and wings. Sirra's body is actually very small by comparison--about 12 feet)
Age: Unknown; Sirra is one of the rare Immortal dragons

Personality: Sirra is a little wary of strangers entering what she views as 'her forest'. She is fundamentally peaceful, but capable of doing great damage should the need arise. Like all Spectrum dragons, Sirra can turn invisible or take on a human form when she wants and she also possesses some form of nature magic.

Maranaka Brightblaze

A fierce friend with a quick temper

~ * taken * ~

Tarin Strongwing

He is a stranger to all, and all are strangers to him.

Shala L'Kara

distantly realted to wyverns, but hardly as fierce

Kilco Draaka

Clan Patriarch
Leader of a family rival to the Dragonsongs

E-mail me!

I reserve the right to change any material which I recieve, but I will only do so if that material is too graphic (although swearing is okay to a point) or if it needs to be changed to make sense with the story.

Similar Sites!

The Dragon's Den is not the only page to host such on-going stories. Here are a couple of new ones! Both are very kewl. I myself have joined them both. The are much in the same style as this, only with more races and more flexible characters ;) Check them out!
Dragonseer's Collaborative tale
Akron's Interactive Story

All pics on this page were created out of the warped mind and creative hand of Dragonsong12



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