I have 4 kids Jessie is 12. She is my oldest child I had her when I was young. We have grown up together shall we say. She has excellent grades in school and enjoys music Meredith Brooks, Limp Bizket, Smash Mouth and more!
Next is my son James. He is 10 and very active. He is doing very well in school. He was 4 when he started kindergarden, It was suggested to me that I may want to wait the extra year for him to start. He was too active to keep home, so off he went... The Mother's instinct is amazing isn't it? He is my only boy. Need I say more?
Next is my daughter Kalie she is 4. She is something else. Not only is she exceptionally smart but she picks up too much from her older brother and sister as well. She keeps us all laughing most of the time. The things she comes up with are amazing!
Lastly but surely not the least the baby Little Katie, she is 2. She is our doll!and everyones "baby" She watches us all very closely and tries to imitate each and everyone of us. She spends most of her waking moments either getting into whatever she can reach that has been carelessly left behind or sucking in everything that goes on. Being the youngest she can be quite the bully too!
I am no longer with my husband, we split up ...he was obsessive, compulsive and got unbearable to live with, and I have been through hell and back and now I am here to stay !
I was going to delete this page after all I have been through but I decided if I was writing a book I wouldn't tear out these pages, its where we came from that shows where we are going so that will be the next page...
Questions, Comments, Suggestions, Email: katiec1@frontiernet.net