The deal with sex and older guys
i have a really big problem. i'm 15 and this guy that i'm
talking to is 20. he looks younger, so i told my parents he was 17. but,
he's in college! i really like him a lot. and, we're having sex so if my
parents find out they'll call the police because it's illegal. please
help. what should i do? i don't want to end the relationship, so please
don't tell me to.
I hope you realise what u r doing is actually very wrong. Since you
yourself sre aware that having sex is wrong, then why did you do it?? Sex
will NOT win the guy's love and doo not ever feel pressured to have sex
with a guy just because you feel you love him a lot. I would advise you to
stop immediately so that yor parents will not find out and you do not have
to lead a life full of fear. You know what your parents will do, so if you
really love him, you should learn to love yourself too. You do not have to
end the relationship, but if sex is all the guy wants, then i suggest it'd
be better to end the whole thing. Dont be an instrument to any user.-Angel
Since you've already done the deed of having sex you can only help the situation by stop having sex
immediately.I'm not going to tell you to end the relationship but just keep in mind that an older guy
will expect more from you mentally and physically and keeping up with this dude can be quite tiring.
Also, for future reference don't go for older guys because they will be leading different lifestyles than
you...for instance: the guy is in college and you're in high school. Good luck.
Modern Teen Advisor,-