Phone games?
I am a boy of fifteen years and have a girl problem.
It all started about 3 and a half months ago at a party at my friend's place.It was then that I first laid my foolish eyes on her, and it was then that I thought I had a crush on her. A few days later I started calling her and introduced myself as 'Mr.X'.
She apparently got interested in me without actually knowing who I am. Then somewhere in mid april,I decided to reveal myself to her and promptly did so.I asked her out ,she agreed ,but she did not turn up at the appointed place even after I waited there for three hours.I learnt from a friend staying at her colony that she had played a prank on me for what I had done to her earlier and that she never did like me.I was pretty dissappointed and a few days later gave her a call. She told whoever picked up the phone at her place to tell me that she wasn't at home.
This continued until about ten days ago when I decided to ask her if we could just be friends and luckily for me ,she was alone at home and therefore she picked up the phone.As I began to talk to her ,she said that she could not talk to me........................ever .I was pretty mad ,told her that she really knew how to mess with the feelings and emotions of a guy that actually loves her , I also told her to **** off , though telling her that hurt me more than it MAY have hurt her , since I yet love her from the bottom of my heart.
Now ,I yet love her and cannot seem to get over it, my academics is suffering and I am burning internally .
Well, if I were you, I would ditch this girl, she sounds like she has no respect for you. You sound like a really sweet guy, I'm sure a lot of girls would be happy to go out with you.
Modern Teen Advisor,-
Perhaps you don't really love her, you are just going through an
infatuation phase. Calling her an introducing yourself as MR.X wasn't a
good idea, and probably ended any feelings she may have had for you. I
think that you just have to let this one go, and find someone more worthy
of your love. Don't let your studies suffer, no girl is worth that. Since
you are only 15, I am positive, that you will get over her and find someone
new. Good luck-
So this chick isn't for you...get over her. Obviously she's not interested and it takes two to tango. You deserve better than this girl. I'm sorry to say that you did lead her on by playing the first mind game. Now, this relationship will stay unborn because,unhealthily, mind games aren't realistic-there's no base to them. Use this to learn from. Don't consider this something lost...but a new learning experience. Remember: THERE ARE ALWAYS MORE FISH IN THE SEA, SO KEEP ON SWIMMING! Best of luck.
Modern Teen Advisor,-