Am I being too scared....?

Okay, here's the situation. Alot of my friends are having sex. My boyfriend seems like he wants in on it. I do too, but I know I'd regret it. I'll let him do stuff to me, but I'm scared (or fridget) to do it to him. I want to get over my fear, but I don't want to turn out like the rest of my friends...slutty little ******. What should I do?
ADVISOR REPLIES: I think in this matter you should just do and what you fee like. I mean if you don't want to be as your other friends then don't!!!! I really think you're too young to go all the way. remember thre can only be a first time once. If you do I advice you to be very carefull and use protection. Not only for getting pregnent but even more for not getting any desease. With love- Wim. You are young and have a long life ahead of you. If you do have sex at this age, you will probably be put into the category with your friends even though you probably aren't like them. If you decide to have sex then you have to be ready to face things that people may say about you and any consequences that come out of it. If you do decide to have sex, use protection! That is very important because you can lessen the risk of STDs and pregnancy if you take precautions. But these aren't 100% effective. I hope this helped you.- Monica Being that you are only 14, I feel you should wait because I really don't think you have considered getting pregnant or STDS. You should really have a back-up plan so that if you did get a Sexually Transmitted Disease or pregnant, you could be prepared.It may seem scarey to you or even impossible that these things could happen to you..but believe me they are VERY possible.Also, because you are only 14, sex can very painful because you are underdeveloped. My advice to'll be glad you took my advice.I hope you make the right decision. Modern Teen Advisor,- Em don't do ANYTHING until you feel TOTALLY comfortable with it. You shouldn't ever do anything, because your friends are. That is a good way to lead you down a path that you say you don't want to go. so what's it gonna be? Are you going to sell yourself short to be part of a crowd, or are you going to make choices based on your own heart and intelligence? think about it.- Lisa.
