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Name: Angelous Gavin Borandez
Hair:Brown with Blonde Highlights Discription:Angelous is tall and dark. He wears cloaks that hides his face.
He has really pale skin, the color of chalk. He wears a necklace made of red and green diamonds in the shape of Aphrodite's holy symbol. Usually he has on a vevet shirt varying in colors, and styles. With a pair of skin tight black leather pants with matching boots. On his belt he has two silver rings about the shape of chakrams. Encrusted on them is red and green diamonds in the shapes of roses encircling both weapons. Also on both is a small magical word on each followed by what looks to be like his name written in old ruins.
Personality:Cold, sinicial, always looking at the worst of a situation ebfore annalyzing the good. Quite and keeps to himslef. Not a very big people person. Angelous has a soft spot for women, espically strong warrior types or softer more delect types.
Background:Angelous was born and lived in the destoyed village of Seria *The one Xena destoyed, also Callisto's village* After watching his parnets killed Angelous left and took out discovering the world. After a few years of traveling and fighting, he stumpled across a portal no another dimension and went there. He lived his life for a few years settling down with another warrior woman and trying to live a normal life. Though things changed and a old foe retuned from the underworld and took his revenge. Angelous spent what seemed like a life time in Tartarus before being set free by his guradian angel. Now he's back to his origianal world looking to start over.
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