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ToddRodd's Imagry and Content Award

Ok..... here you may apply for the "ToddRodd's Imagry and Content Award". Believe it or not, there are some qualities that I look for before granting this award.

1)The website must have more than ONE page.

2)Creativity and consistency in either theme or ambience will be noted.

3)Meaningful content is important. (Example: poetry... tips... bios... gripes... information... etc...)

4)Legibility and neatness counts.

5)No hateful propaganda.


1)Guestbooks are not absolutely required.

2)Some profanity is allowed.

3)Pictures aren't required either.

To apply, just fill out the simple form below:

Response-O-Matic Form


Your comments are appreciated!

Just complete this form. Click on Submit when ready to send.


Your name:

Email address:

Website URL:

What would you like to do today?

Rob a bank
Kick Barney
Visit Monica Lewinsky
Go back to bed
Do a drive-by


Just tell me a few things about your website.