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It has been about five years from my first video session, and I have learned more than I feel I should have.

Men and women.....what is all the fight about? Why so much insecurity and selfishness? There is simply just too much physical and clearly not enough emotional. Seems as if our deepest fear in relating with one another is rejection. Rejection....... Is that it? Should it not be a rejection of oneself much more devastating than a rejection of another? Hmmmmm......then why is it so much a priority to avoid being rejected by another person? Hmmmm.....sounds pretty dangerous....putting someone's opinions over your own.......

LOVE...... Now that's another powerful word. And one of the most difficult to explain. What irks me is not being in love, but loving nonetheless. Men and women truly need to learn to have love for each other. Why is it so difficult to love? Lack of love have cleary proven to be destructive to humanity. It is a lack of love that would have a woman take advantage of a man. It is a lack of love that would have a man neglect his child(ren) to the mother. It is a lack of love why so many men and women are trying to be "players" and "playettes". It is a lack of love that would have any person mentally and verbally attempt to humiliate someone. HECK! It's a lack of love why there is so much fighting on Jerry Springer!
Could it be that it's so much easier not to love? So much easier to live your life for personal gain in all aspects of life? Giving to oneself is fine. But giving to another is so much more important.

What is the definition of a "dime piece"? Simple. A woman who is "fine". This troubles me. This is obviously the measure of validity of a woman based on her appearance. In my opinion, a woman who is a "dime piece" is a woman who's intelligent, sincere, witty, emotionally secure, responsible and mature. And MAYBE good looks in addition. Sure it's wonderful to have a good appearance. But far too many people base their judgement of people by the material. This country is screwed up. It's time for us men to "see" a woman AFTER we've conversated with her. Only THEN can we make a sober judgement about her. And ladies, please be a little more patient in your search for men. Immediately choosing that fellow with the Lexus, or the guy with the cell-phone will only set you up for disaster and emotional scars. And before us guys know it, we hear from a new mouth "Men are dogs!" So please ladies and gents, in a simple way, please use the option of getting to know somebody rather than being FORCED to know somebody by not being careful.

Communication..... My goodness. Why is this so hard to accomplish? Communication between two people have proven to be one of the most if not the most vital aspect of any relationship. So why is it so hard to honestly communicate to our loved ones? Simple. Pride, insecurity, and fear. By honestly communicating to another, we will be exposing ourselves to that person. This would breed some insecurity since that person would then have a deeper knowledge of you. And Pride? Well, pride and fear go hand-in-hand believe it or not. Once again, are we afraid of what another would think? Pride is simply the reaction to the fear of being socially rejected by others. This is futile since any truth about you will surely come to light in due time. So it's very important that you honestly communicate yourself to another so that there may be no lies to remember, no "juggling friends", no "internal boiling", and most importantly, peace of mind.

I have discovered numerous of problems, solutions and techniques during my 12 year study. And I am still learning. There are as many answers as human beings have complexities. But in facination I shall continue. For where there's passion, there's perserverance. A nice formula of success huh? *smile* I thought so.

I'd like to thank Shaun J., Aytraine, Nakeesha W., Akia T., Letish B., Taniesha G, Veronica N., and Warren for their wonderful talents and wisdom contributed to my films.

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