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Welcome to my Jamaica Page! This picture shows an AirJamaica passenger plane parked at JFK International Airport in New York.

Here I am at the mineral bath. It's a pool created especially for the mineral water that naturally flows from a natural well. You probably could see me in the water trying to get away from three kids. *L*

This is a particular house that shows how the houses in Jamaica are generally structured. You can forget about central heating.


This is Boscobel Beach in Negril, Jamaica. Also one of the SuperClubs™. All-inclusive, non-stop fun!

One US dollar is equal to about 35 Jamaican dollars.

This is one of the many vendors that can be seen at the roadside. Many small entrepreneurships are springing up all over Jamaica.

Here I am in my cousin's car. You can see one of the "Blue Ribbon" cabs in the next lane and across the street. And yes, Jamaicans drive on the "other" side of the street from Americans.


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