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"ToddRodd"...... several people have asked me why I've chosen such a name. And I've been told by a woman that she thought I was a stripper! *LOL* But I'm far from that.

It all started in 1994 when I've met a security guard in one of the neighboring clothing stores in my neighborhood. He was also a freelance barber who you would beep and have him come to your house to give you a hair cut. ONLY a hair cut. He had a motto: "Have clippers will travel". Plus he went by the name of "ToddRob". He then gave me his business card in hopes that I would call him and give him business but I never did unfortunately. So..... soon enough, his company relocated him and I lost contact of him.

Sometime in January, I was tired of the limited success of using "Sirfig", my handle at the time. So I've decided for change.......
I remembered my old security guard friend from '94 and decided to give his name a try. My memory was a bit off and I entered "ToddRodd". As soon as I logged on with the new name, I received much better responses. So..... "ToddRodd" stuck.

I was born a Capricorn on January 18th sometime ago. *S* But I do feel younger than I actually am. I credit that to a healthy lifestyle very early in my life.

A live view of 5th ave, 45th st., Manhattan, New York

Click for a live view of:

Currently, I live in New York right across the street from the beach. It's a wonderful place to be if you know how to watch out for certain things. But as for me, I consider myself a lucky soul.

My marital status? I'm single. But ofcourse, I'm dating. I haven't found that woman who could surely hold me as of yet..... but I do keep hope alive. *smile*

I am in the aviation industry but I also have several ambitions in my life that I would love to achieve also. Hey..... the sky's the limit! *smile*

So....things that I like to hobbies. I'll tell you.
Exercising, filming, magic, computers, my website, male-female relationships, and music.

Created by ToddRodd
in May 1998

Many thanks to:

And the entire
Webtv Newsgroups

Thank you Marcus!

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