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Brown Sugar

Cast of Characters
Taye DiggsAndre Ellis
Sanaa LathanSidney Shaw
Mos DefChris (Himself)
Nicole Ari ParkerReese Wiggins

Release date: October 11th, 2002 (1,400 Theaters)

Out of a possible five (5) stars.

It was a well anticipated Friday. I got my mental together, gassed up the car, and drove to Philadelphia. The traffic was horrendous by the Holland Tunnel but I toughened it out since I truly didn't want to miss my engagement. After about 2 1/2 hours, I finally pulled into The Olive Garden on Route 1 (Roosevelt Ave) in Philly. There I was finally able to meet GoodNPlenty and HunyBaked (from Paltalk fame).
We ate, chatted, then drove to the AMC theater which was a few miles down the road.

This movie is about two kids who observed hip hop in its early stages and how they came to love it as they matured into successful adults. She is a revered music critic and he is a successful, though unfulfilled, music executive. Both realize their true passions stemmed from what they experienced from that very playground.

Taye Diggs..... the sheer mention of that name automatically throws any movie in question into the "date flick" bin. LOL Although I got sick of the "oohs" and "aahs" from the women in the theater, I dug his acting. He carried his role of Andre Ellis with the same amount of excellence that we all know him to have. Sanaa Lathan, who plays Andre's best friend "Sidney" did a very good supporing performance. As much as I tried to find some holes in her acting, I couldn't. This girl is gonna seriously make it. Queen Latifah (Francine) and Mos Def (Chris) are the two rapper-turned-actors in this film. A lot of people have a gripe about this trend, but it doesn't bother me at all...... as long as they could ACT! Latifah and Mos Def were very good...... honestly. But DMX, Nas, Ja Rule and the rest of them better hang it up!!! Nicole Ari Parker plays Andre's love interest (Reese Wiggins)in the movie. She does some justice to her role but in a few scenes, she just doesn't have the necessary fire for the situation. And another it me, or does she have two black eyes throughout the whole film???? I was just wondering....

I loved the cameos by several rappers from today and yesteryear. It's very surprising at how these guys aged through the years. I can still remember the audience groaning when they flashed Cool G. Rap on the screen. LOL That boy must've lived HARD.
This movie is right in the lines of, "Waiting to Exhale", "Two Can Play that Game", "Stella's Got Her Groove Back", etc..... It's a date movie none-the-less and romance is the order of the day. This is NOT the movie to see if you just had an argument with your boo.... cause if you're not careful, this movie could rip open some old wounds in your relationship. And if you haven't been romantic to your loved one lately, then this movie would REALLY put you in the doghouse! So BE CAREFUL when you go to the theater for this one!

The plot is nice.... but predictable. I have to be honest on this one. There are a few times when you couldn't guess what would happen next, but mostly it's a redone, resurrected plot.

OK..... my verdict. It's a good movie. And if you like relationship based movies, then this one is right down your alley.

The kingdom of Mr. Harry Knowles......

Brown Sugar
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