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Isaac Facts!

Ike's full name is Clarke Isaac Hanson with a few nick names such as, Ike, Ikey-poos, and Chewy. He was born on November 17th, 1980 in Tulsa Oklahoma. I would guess that he would love being around people, not nessisarilly the center of attention, just a cool guy that fit in. Isaac is 5'9" at 130 pounds and a shoe size of 14. He has long blondish brown hair to his sholders and warm and soft brown eyes. He is the eldest brother in the group Hanson and family of nearly 7. Out of all his good qualities I think he has a killer body, maybe one of the best I've ever seen, but then again.... Some of his favorites are quite interesting according to some other fans' info on him. His favorite color being green is sort of a known fact though. Some of his favorite foods, according to pages, are spaghetti and lasagna. With the two year Sci-Fi novel that he has been writing one of his favorite subjects is creative writing and it's not all that bad of a choice. Some of his hobbies, talents, and others are: Almost all sports but soccer and hockey being some of his favorites. He does write, however. Some of his musical inspirations were 50's and 60's rock and roll. He doesn't currently have girlfriend and never has. Taylor says that Isaac is a major romantic and was the type to think he was gonna get married in the third grade. Of course, who in their right mind could resit a personality like him and his goofy smile. He admits that it takes him a while to get to know, and feel close to someone, but even with a fan, depending on how obsessed she was, he'd give her the chance if he had time. He says he is loyal, and says, "I'd make a good boyfriend." Uh, huh I bet... I know I wouldn't turn him down for a date! Remember, not everyone is as they seem to be, and no one is perfect, including Hanson. I just ask is if you ever truly meet them, don't base them on what you hear, base them on what happens when you are around them. Also please be careful and don't do anything stupid. GO HOME