-What did they do to that Mondoshiwan carcass in the beginning? (Bury, cremate?)
-Did the Mondo even die in the beginning? (Only his hand was crushed) - Actually the Mondo's suit was leaking the gases necessary for him to survive in our atmosphere. He may have been alive for a while, but he wouldn't have lived long after Billy shot him. Submitted by: drkgaia@aol.com
Actaully, I figured this one out in an instant.. That's Aknot; somehow, he survived pressing the "little red button at the bottom of the gun" (you know it's him because of his lines; "If Zorg wants the stones, he'll have to negotiate... Revenge is at hand!") His ear is supposed to be "broken", to show his injuries... Notice he is sitting down with a blanket of some sort wrapped around him when we see him on Phloston Paradise. Submitted By:Robert Randall
This could be a bad mask or that was some old Mangalore whose ear was coming off. I think it is after the explosion scene when the magnalore presses the self destruction button on the z100 ( I forget thename of the gun) and he barely made it, but almost in one piece. That's why his ear is following apart. Submitted By:PROTYPE487
Really, this seems kinda to tiein with her
condition...She has been shot quite a bit, and is struggling to stay alive and concious. She does the same "eye thing" when Korben is tryiung to find out how to open the stones. Now, again, this makes you ask, "Then how come she wasn't that way during the 'Pictures of War' scene?" Well, if nothing else, Korben had just begun taking care of her wounds, so maybe possibly she was feeling better. Submitted By:Robert Randall
This could be some kind of 'evil blood' or something like that. I'm sure it's just his evil presence and leaves part of his entity behind his victims to mark them.
Submitted By:PROTYPE487
Father Cornelius' belt buckle. Now, we all know that the symbols for Wind and Water are different (Horizontal curvy lines Wind starts up goes down comes back up again then finishes by pointing down. The opposite for Water.). On his buckle he has one of these symbols twice, and it takes the place of the other. Submitted By:Bill Quiverlance
Near the end of the movie when they are back in the temple in Egypt, Cornelius brings out the stones to assemble the 'ultimate weapon'. He gets a little confused and thinks that the one he's holding horizontally is for fire. Korben takes this stone and heads off to a pillar to see how it works. Okay, when he reaches the pillar the stone has changed from the thought to be fire stone to the real stone for fire. Submitted By:Bill Quiverlance
By the way, do you remember that Leeloo said that she had gotten to the letter 'V' in the computer program for learning Earth history? V is the 5th last letter in the alphabet. Submitted By:Bill Quiverlance
When Korben kisses Leeloo awake she tells him something. Later after he's kicked out the door he asks the priest what 'Neck-tow Gam-at' means. The priest answers back "Never with out my permission". Okay with all that out of the way, (laughing) Leeloo said more to Korben when he woke her than 'Neck-tow Gam-at'. When you add in the rest, what does it all mean? Submitted By:Bill Quiverlance
About the Neck-tow Gam-at thing, what she is actually saying is (if I'm not mistaken) "never kiss me without my permission" I can't remember where I read it though. Submitted By:Richard/Dee
A little thing I noticed about Ruby Rhod's name. Okay, on the periodic table of the elements, on period 5, the first element is Rubidium, then exactly halfway down is Rhodium. Take the endings off and you have Ruby Rhod (Well, actually you have Rubi Rhod, but close enough). Submitted By:Richard/Dee
After the dark goo runs down Zorg's head, he tips his head down enough for us to see that it came from OUTSIDE his head -- it had been falling on the clear-plastic thing covering part of his head! It should have come from inside the clear plastic, like the first guy who got Goo'd. The argument against that is: who are we to decide how the evil force that's going to destroy the earth operates? It can Goo people any way it wants. :-) Submitted By:Paul Balyoz
Do you have the answers?? Or at least a creative mind? If so, just send me your thoughts! JasonCarlberg@hotmail.com!!!
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