Viper's Homepage
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Viper's Homepage

Welcome to Viper's Homepage!

Welcome to Viper's Homepage! I am known to most people as Jason "Viper" Carlberg. If you want to learn more about me, this is the place. I decorate my domain with things that illustrate what I like. Right now you should be hearing the theme song to The Simpsons. It's one of my favorite shows. I have a large amount of interests and hobbies that I dabble in from time to time, so this page can and will change at my own discretion. Viper's Homepage is intended to be the place where I can inform people of my interests. You can visit some of my interest-related pages below. To learn more about me, read on...

Now Entering Jason's Kingdom...

The following are pages that I created to house my personal interests. Check out the list below, you might just find something you like.

Ascendancy - The Ascendancy Galaxy
The Fifth Element - The Fifth Element Universe
Red Alert - The Red Alert Battlefield
Warcraft II - The Warcraft II Town Hall
Wing Commander - Viper's Wing Commander Page

Can't seem to set the darn clock on this thing!

This section is my 'pointless ramblings' feature. I talk about things I like, show a few pictures, and you listen.

Cool Lingo

Being the influential person that I am, I have been known to start trends wherever my travels take me. The following are words that I have invented (or borrowed), and people now use them in everyday situations. I have found that these words can also be useful for expresssing your thoughts when no other words fit. They can also freak anyone out when you say them.

Chehaw (Chi-Haw) -
1) The sound a spring makes, or a squeaking bed.
2) The sound of a flash fire.
3) Of, from, pertaining or relating to sex.
4) The sound an explosion makes in space.
5) A variable word that can be used to express anything.
Gorf (Gorf) - A person that is a freak, spaz, loser, dork, etc. Taken from the title of a 1983 Colecovision game.
Jerkwater (Jerk-Water) - A jerk who acts foolishly in their actions.

I think that Homer is the funniest Simpson. Bart used to be the king in the early nineties, but Homer is the uncontested king now. Don't get me started on this show: I watch it religiously and have seen EVERY episode at least 5 times. I know every bit and joke. Ask my friends! They're worried too. There are just so many clever and funny lines in that show that I'm still discovering new ones! I can't really just write my favorite bits here, if you know me, then you know I have to act something out.

I've been a fan of Star Trek and Science Fiction in general for a long time. I've seen every episode of ST:TNG and ST:DS9. I don't really watch the original Star Trek, and I have only watched Voyager since the beginning of this season (mostly because of that Seven of Nine!). The ships above are the USS Enterprise, NCC-1701-E, and the USS Defiant, NX-74205. These ships are my favorities out of all the Star Trek movies and TV shows. Don't think that Star Trek is the only Science Fiction I worship. Things ranging from Star Wars to The Fifth Element also rank among my favorite movies.


QE means Quadriflax Entertainment™, a company that I want to found one day. I'm not going to reveal any details of our plans, but, rest assured, I guarantee that QE is going to change the world of entertainment forever. In regards to movie scripts, which we already have written and are writing right now, I plan to produce these off the revenues from sales of computer games. If you want to know more about QE, You know what to do!

Hey! I never knew Einstein was such a goof-off! Just think: the inventor of the Atomic Bomb, the theory of relativity, and the Chronoshpere was the life of the party! I hope that someday my 'insane' scientific prattlings will be fully accepted and understood by the public!

News Headline: Can visiting this page add ten years to your life? No, but it couldn't hurt!

The Official Baywatch Site - Baywatch!

Fredericks Of Hollywood - The famous modeling catalogue!

Women Celebrity Pictures - A HUGE collection of women celebrity pictures!

Xena Links - Xena: Warrior Princess!

ChView - A 3D Star map of our galaxy, centering on our own Sun.

The Game Nexus - Anything you want to know about PC Computer games.

Quake World - QUAKE II. Need I say more? If you're not familiar with this ADDICTIVE game, or things like GameSpy, Capture The Flag, or plain old internet DeathMatching, check this place out! It's a great way to cause Destruction, Disorder, and Chaos! [DDC].

Star Trek:Continuum - It's everything you could possibly want to know about Star Trek.

Wing Commander:Prophecy - The latest edition in the best game series ever.

See ya later!

E-Mail Viper!

Those of you who have ICQ can catch me at 2371834.

I have so many visitors I can't even keep track!