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Aaron or Aharown (uh-har-ONE)

Ab, Abba also Abbah (UHB, and uhb-BAH)

Abib also abiyb (uh-BEEB)

Absalom (uhb-ee-shaw-LOME)

Adam (uh-DAWM)

Ad-nay or Ad-nai (ad-o-NOY, Ad-o-NAY)

Ahaz (uh-KHAWZ)

Akiba (uh-Kee-buh)

Al Cheit (AHL CHAYT)

Alef-bet (EH-lef-BET)

Aliyah (uh-LEE-uh; ah-lee-AH)

Amalek (am-aw-LAKE)

Amen (aw-MANE, Aw-MEN)

Ammonite(s) (em-mo-NEE)

Aninut (an-ee-YAWT)



Arab (ar-AWB)

Arbah Minim (AR-bah min-YM)


Aron Kodesh (AH-rohn KOH-desh)

Asham (ah-SHAHM)

Asher (uh-SHARE)

  1. "Happy", Son of Jacob (Israel). Ancestor of one of the tribes of Israel;
  2. The tribe that bears his name.

Ashkenazic Jews (ahsh-ken-AH-zik)

Ashkenazic Pronunciation (ahsh-ken-AH-zik)

Ashtaroth, Ashtarowth (ash-taw-ROTH)

Ashtoreth (ash-TO-reth)

Assyria, Ashshur (ash-SHOOR)

Av (UHV)

Avi (uh-VEE)

Avinu (uh-VEE-nu)


Av'raham, Abraham (Av-raw-HAWM)

Avoda (Av-o-DAW)

Ayn (AH-yin) (also see En)

Ayn Sof (Ah-yin SAWF)(Also see En Sof)

Ayn Sof Or (Ah-yin SAWF ORE)(Also see En Sof Or)

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