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A/ B/ C/ D/ E/ F/ G/ H/ I/ J/ K/ L/ M/ N/ O/ P/ Q/ R/ S/ T/ U/ V/ W/ X/ Y/ Z


Daf Yomi (DAHF yoh-MEE)

Dagesh (dah-GEHSH)

Daniel, Daniye'l (Daw-nee-YALE)

Dank (DUHNK)

Dati (DAH-tee)

Dan (DAHN)

Dan (DAHN)

Daveh (daw-VEH)

Davar (DAH-VAR)

Days of Awe

Deborah (deb-o-AW)

Devarim (Deuteronomy).


Drash “Deeper”. Principles and meanings from logical commentaries that help in ones Torah studies. The "d" in PRDS, were each letter represents a Hebrew word which in turn represents a meathod of study.


Dor, dowr (dore)

Dovid, David (daw-VEED)

A/ B/ C/ D/ E/ F/ G/ H/ I/ J/ K/ L/ M/ N/ O/ P/ Q/ R/ S/ T/ U/ V/ W/ X/ Y/ Z