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Yeshua's Light

Farming of the Word refers to the work one would do in the garden. There are so many layers to work with. The plant, the sod and beneath the sod. For greater depth in understanding this please see:

Torah Study 101- How to get more out of your Bible

We are using this approach to find rich insights to the Word of G-d. We have found much that has kept us busy for a long time and now slowly we will be bringing the fruit of our labors out.

We ask for your patience and as always your prayers and insights. We hope you like this new section of our site.

Weekly Torah Portions -last updated on 1/14/03

We include the weekly Torah portions for anyone interested in them. They are not meant to replace the Church's Liturgical readings or the Mass but merely for anyone seeking a deeper study in the Word of HaShem. As Saint Paul stated to Timothy:

"All scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of G-d may be complete, equipped for every good work." 2Tim.3.16

So it is in this spirit we include our weekly reading in Torah.


The Galamonster - a look into the most misunderstood book of Galatians





Amos - under construction

Isaiah - under construction

Numbers - under construction

Levitcus - under construction

