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Below is a list of the 613 mitzvahs (commandments), which we compiled. We broke these into two sub categories beneath each header: Gifts and call, which represent the positive and negative mitzvahs respectively. We also know as Catholics that Yeshua came to perfect these laws, so for this reason we have added references to the Catechism in some places that we felt these would apply as well as potential Scriptures that may assist in understanding these. Please understand this does not necessarily mean this is comprehensive or complete, but we do it in the spirit of Is.28.13:

“Therefore the Word (D’var – “to speak) of the L-rd will be to them, precept upon precept, precept upon precept, measure by measure, measure by measure, here a little, there a little…”

Below we list the 613 precepts: precept upon precept. These are required according to the Halachic laws upon all of Israel (but not upon the Grafted-in, see Noachite), at least as they are understood and taught by our brethren in Judah. In parentheses beside each precept we gave the source from Torah and/or the “measure” we give in the form of Drashim given by our Church or in some cases our own attempts to ferret these measures out from these precepts.

We also welcome any who would like to join us in this endeavor to find the fulfillment beneath the shadows of Mount Sinai. We do this so that we in our own small way can perhaps assist our Church answering those who “would not hear” the Spirit’s call for “rest given to the weary”. If you’re interested please contact us by e-mail.

The Oneness of HaShem (YHVH, G-d)

Gift:Oneness of HaShem / Call: Oneness of HaShem

Love they Neighbor (as Self)

Gift: Love thy Neighbor / Call: Love thy Neighbor

Torah Study

Gift: Torah Study / Call:Torah Study

Signs, Symbols and Sacramentals


Gift: Signs, Symbols and Sacramentals / Call: Sorry, but we couldn’t find any!

Tipillah v'Burachah (Prayer and Blessings)

Gift: Prayer and Blessings / Call: Prayer and Blessings