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Ma'ariv (MAH-reev)

Machzor (MAHKH-zawr)

Maftir (MAHF-teer)

Magen David (mah-GAYN dah-VEED; MAH-gen DAH-vid; MOH-gen DAY-vid)

Mah Nishtanah

Maimonides (mahy-MAH-ni-dees)

Mamzer (MAHM-zer)


  1. Son of Joseph. Ancestor of one of the tribes of Israel;
  2. The tribe that bears his name.




Matzah (MAHTZ-uh)

Matzah Meal

Mazel Tov (MAHZ-z'l TAWV)

Mechitzah (m'-KHEETZ-uh)

Megillah (m'-GILL-uh)

Melachah (m'-LUH-khuh)

Menorah (m'-NAW-ruh; me-NOH-ruh)


Messianic Age

Mezuzah (m'-ZOO-zuh; m'-ZU-zuh)

Midrash (MID-rash)

Mikvah (MIK-vuh)

Milchig (MIL-khig)

Minchah (MIN-khuh)

  1. Afternoon prayer services. See Jewish Liturgy.
  2. An offering of meal or grain. See Food and Drink Offerings.

Minhag (MIN-hahg)

Minyan (MIN-yahn; MIN-yin)


Mishnah (MISH-nuh)

Mishneh Torah (MISH-ne TOH-ruh; MISH-nay TOH-ruh)

Mitnagdim (mit-NAG-deem)

Mitzvah (MITS-vuh); pl: Mitzvot (mits-VOHT)

Mohel (Maw-y'l; rhymes with oil)

Mordecai (MOR-duh-khahy)

Moses (Moshe)

Moshiach (moh-SHEE-ahkh)

Moshiach Ben Yosef (Messiah the son of Joseph)

Moshiach ben Dovid (Messiah the son of David)

Motzaei Shabbat (moh-tsah-AY shah-BAHT)

Motzi Sheim Ra (MOH-tsee SHAYM RAH) '

Muktzeh (MUK-tseh; "muk" rhymes with "book")

Musaf (MOO-sahf; MU-sahf)


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