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The Ruth Project

Naomi and Boaz

This last section of people who we believe join us in the Ruth Project comprise of the Jewish people. The Jews with these groups can be seen in two different lights-

  1. those who accept Yeshua HaMoshiach and who are in the Church (even through some other Christian organization), and

  2. those who do not see Yeshua as HaMoshiach (the Messiah), but rather accept Christians as “righteous Gentiles” and seek dialog and other potential relations with them.

We discuss this latter group first, and we believe this walk in the shoes of Naomi.


Naomi was the mother-in-law of Ruth, or as we perceive it, the Mother in the Law for it seems to support Is.48.1, which defines as those who may be called by the name of Israel, but “come from the water of Judah”. In the Jewish perception, those “waters” are the Oral Laws of Judah, as defined by Talmud and Midrash and other important Jewish books. In Catholic terms, this would represent the Traditions of Judah, with a capital “T”, which would be like the authoritative acceptance of the Catholic Traditions.

Therefore, this Oral Law would be seen equally infallible in the eyes of those Jews, which may present a problem from some more orthodox Jews accepting our Church’s Oral Law, for the two laws do not always line up perfectly. Indeed, Yeshua condemns some of these precepts of the rabbis as legalistic, at least for some trying to seek salvation from the Gentile nations. So is the Oral of Judah wrong as many assume? We believe the Mishnah teaches us in the Chapters of the Fathers (5.17) this isn’t exactly true:

“Which is an argument for the sake of Heaven? This is the argument of Hillel and Shammai. And not for the sake of Heaven? This is the argument of Korach and his entire congregation.”

As we explained on a previous writing of the Ruth Project, Hillel and Shammai were two rabbis that came before Yeshua’s time to “prepare the way” for the Jewish people for John the Baptist and Yeshua. In this writing we also referenced a parable that is explained in “What Is the Essence of Judaism” by Rabbi Robert Kahn. Some Jewish teenagers asked him this question and this was his explanation:

I wasn't the first in history to pose such a question. In a way it is the same question that the non-Jew asked of Shammai and Hillel (Babylonian Talmud Shabbat 31a), "Convert me to Judaism on condition that you teach me the whole Torah while I stand on one foot." This individual was either being disrespectful- which is why Shammai chased him away with his rod-or he truly wanted to know the essence of Judaism. Regardless of his true intentions, Hillel treated him respectfully, converted him, and said, "What is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor: This is the whole Torah. The rest is commentary; now go and study."

In the eyes of Judah, many in the Ruth Project, as well as those in Jewish-Catholic dialogue (and Hebrew Catholic Movement) may be “standing on one leg” as far as some of things we believe in, and yet which of the Jewish sages are they likely to meet when they ask this question above? After all, doesn’t the Tanya state:

“We thus see that even one who performs mitzvot on the level of a “fool” or “beast”, neither comprehending nor sensing the unity and holiness achieved and drawn down through his actions, — even such a person, too, attains a union with the level of “beast” that transcends even that most lofty of levels — Daat of Atzilut”. (Tanya, Likutei Amarim, end of Chapter 46)

Therefore, even if we Catholics are only “fools” for what we believe about the Torah and brotherhood, thus seen no better than “beasts” not “sensing the unity and holiness” of your Jewish teaching, should we be chased away like Shammai would do, or might Judah teach us the missing pieces of that Mitzvah and accept us and our foibles in attempting to apply these within our Catholic faith and walk? It is these unions with the Jewish people we are seeking in the Ruth Project, not a “marriage” but more a “family” relationship in which we believe is described in Zech.3.10:

“In that day, say HaShem of hosts, everyone of you will invite his neighbor under his vine and under his fig tree.”

We believe the fig tree is Israel and the vine is our Church (Jn.15.1-11) because our Moshiach called Himself the Vine. One day this Scripture states we will invite each other “under” each of these respective faiths and in this we see the essence of the Ruth Project, and the ecumenical calling coming from Vatican II. In Judah, an equal call came forth to form this unity, not one of marriage but one of family as we said above. We will stand with you no matter what comes as we stated in a previous portion of the Ruth Project; and all we request is that which Ruth asked of Naomi. Like her, we are determined to go with you even into the next holocaust as identifiably Jews, whether you accept us or not, because we believe in our hearts this is our way to really say in our hearts “Never Again”!

Next- to Boaz

