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Yehsua's Light

The Haggadah

The Blessings of the Candles

{On Erevt Pesach (the evening of Passover) the leading woman in the group says these blessings, one for the candle lighting and one for the festival, at least 18 minutes before sun down. There is one exception though and this is if Pesach falls on the first day of the week, then we light after Havdalah (end of Sabbath), but more on this further on (then this blessing moves inside the Seder). For now the blessing whenever it is to be said:}

Barukh Atah Ad-nai (YHVH) El-heinu, Melekh Ha-olam, asher kid’shanu be’mizvotav v’taivanu lehadlik ner shel [*Shabbat v’shel] Yom Tov.

Blessed are You L-rd (YHVH) our G-d, King of the Universe, Who makes us holy with His commandments and has commanded us to kindle the lights of [Sabbath and of] the festival.

{*Add this if the holy day falls on Sabbath.}

{This is followed be the Shehekheyanu or the Holiday Blessing:}

Barukh Atah, Ad-nai (YHVH) El-heinu, Melekh Ha-olam, shehekheyanu, v’kiyamanu, v’higgiyanu lazman hazen.

Blessed are You L-rd (YHVH) our G-d King of the Universe, Who has kept us alive, sustained us, and brought us to this season.

Kadesh (Kiddush)-

{The first cup of wine is poured and the Kiddush is recited along with another special blessing for the season.}

{When the festival occurs on Shabbat, say first:}

The sixth day. And the heavens and the earth and all their hosts were completed. And on the seventh day G-d finished His work, which He had made, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work, which He had made. And G-d blessed the seventh day and made it holy, for on it He rested from all His work, which G-d created to make.

{When the festival begins on a weekday begin here:}

At this Pesach Seder we celebrate our feast with the four cups. These four cups come from Ex.6.6,7 and mean to us:

  1. Release- For it is written “I am the L-rd, and I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians,”
  2. Deliverance- “I will deliver you from their bondage,
  3. Redemption- “I will redeem you with an outstretched arm,”
  4. Restoration- “and I will take you for My people, and I will be your G-d.”

This prefigures the Moshiach mission to us for He released us from the penalty of our sin by laying this upon Himself. He delivered us from Hell, the place we rightfully should go. He redeemed us through His grace so long as we believe in Him and He will restore all Israel when He returns and He shall be our King and we shall be His people. Yet the disciples knew none of these things as they sat at table and we are to return to their seats, reclined as if we were free but still awaiting true freedom. We say:

Barukh Atah, Ad-nai (YHVH) El-heinu Melekh Ha-olam, boray p’ree hagafen.

Blessed are You, L-rd (YHVH) our G-d, King of the Universe, Who created the fruit of the vine.

Blessed are You, G-d (YHVH), our G-d, King of the universe, who has chosen us from among all people, and raised us above all tongues, and made us holy through His commandments. And You, G-d (YHVH), our G-d, have given us in love {On Shabbat add: “Shabbos for rest and”} festivals for happiness, feasts and festive seasons for rejoicing {On Shabbat add: “this Sabbath Day and”} the day of this Feast of Matzoth and this Festival of holy convocation, the Season of our Freedom {On Shabbat add: “in love”}, a holy convocation, honoring the departure from Egypt. For You have chosen us and sanctified us from all the nations, and You have given us as a heritage Your holy {On Shabbat add: “Shabbos and”} Festivals {On Shabbat add: “in love and favor”}, in happiness and joy. Blessed are You, G-d (YHVH), who sanctifies {On Shabbat add: “the Shabbat and”} Israel and the festive seasons.

Barukh Atah, Ad-nai (YHVH) El-heinu, Melekh Ha-olam, shehekheyanu, v’kiyamanu, v’higgiyanu lazman hazen.

Blessed are You L-rd (YHVH) our G-d King of the Universe, Who has kept us alive, sustained us, and brought us to this season.

{When the festival falls on Saturday night add the following BEFORE the blessing:}

Blessed are You, G-d (YHVH), our G-d, King of the universe, who creates the lights of fire.

Blessed are You, G-d (YHVH), our G-d, King of the universe, who makes a distinction between sacred and profane, between light and darkness, between Israel and the nations, between the seventh day and the six work-days. You have made a distinction between the holiness of the Shabbat and the holiness of the festival, and You have sanctified the seventh day above the six workdays. You have set apart and made holy Your people Israel with Your holiness. Blessed are You, L-rd (YHVH) our G-d, who makes a distinction between holy and unholy.

{This is the blessing that ends the Shabbos and on this occasion the festival lights and holiday blessing are not lit or said before sundown, but after sundown when the Shabbos has ended and the Havdalah service is completed. Thus the blessing above is the blessing of this service, which someday we hope to have on line.}

{Drink the cup of wine while seated, reclining on the left side as a sign of freedom (as Saint John did) }

Urechatz (Hand washing)-

{We wash hands but we do not say the traditional blessing.}

Karpas (parsley)- “Yeshua then took a sprig of parsley (Karpas) and dip it into salt-water and recite the following blessing:”

Barukh Atah, Ad-nai (YHVH) El-heinu, Melekh Ha-olam, boray p’ree ha’eitz

Blessed are You, L-rd (YHVH) our G-d, King of the Universe, Who creates the fruit of the earth.

This represents life in freedom for its reverse is slavery and it numbers the righteous. We dip it in the salt of the sacrifice mixed with the waters of baptisms.

{All take a piece and eat the Karpas}

Yachatz (Breaking the Middle Matzah)-

{Take the middle Matzah and break it into two, one piece larger than the other. The larger piece is set aside to serve as afikomen wrap this in a napkin and say:}

This is the afikomen. It represents the manna HaShem gave to our fathers when He brought out of Egypt with a strong arm, but we also see this is the living manna. The Afikomen is the very last thing we shall eat this night so it is very important that we do not loose it, therefore I must put it in a safe place.

{The male leader goes to hide the Afikomen out of the sight of the children. We hide this from our children’s eyes claiming it needs to be “safe” place and they get to find it after the meal is complete for a small prize. The smaller piece is put back, between the two matzos. }

Maggid (Recital of Haggadah)-

{Raise the tray with the matzos and say:}

This is the bread of affliction that our fathers ate in the land of Egypt. Whoever is hungry, let him come and eat; whoever is in need, let him come and conduct the Seder of Pesach. At present we celebrate it here, but we pray that we shall be next year in the land of Israel. This year we are slaves; next year may we be free people living in the Holy Land and being ruled by our King.

{The tray with the matzos is moved aside, and the second cup is POURED.}

(Do not drink it yet)

Mah Nishtanah (Four Questions)-

{this is usually started by the youngest}

Mah nishtanah kamokha hallailah hazzeh mikkol hallaylot?

Why is this night different from all other nights?

Shebb’chol hallaylot anu och’lin chametz umatzah hallailah hazzeh kullo Matzah?

On all other nights we may eat either leavened or unleavened bread; Why on this night only unleavened bread?

Shebb’chol hallaylot anu och’lin sh’ar y’rakot; hallailah hazzeh maror?

On all other night we eat any kinds of herbs; why on this night must we eat only bitter herbs?

Shebb’chol hallaylot ayn anu matbeelin afeelu pa-am echat; hallailah hazzeh sh’tay f’amim .

On all other nights we do not dip our parsley even once; why tonight do we dip twice that is our parsley into salt water and the Maror into Kharoset?

Shebb’chol hallaylot anu och’lin bayn yosh’vin uvayn unayn m’subin; hallailah hazzeh kulanu m’subin.

On all other nights we eat sitting or reclining, as we please; why on this night we should we all recline?

Leader: “These are all very good questions and we will answer them as we go through the Haggadah. First however we must remember:” {As he says this the tray of Matzoth are returned to the table with part of them showing. Now either the leader will tell the entire Haggadah or it can be broken up into parts for responsive reading}


“We were slaves to Pharaoh in Egypt long ago and the L-rd (YHVH), our G-d, took us out of Egypt the land of our oppression with a strong hand and with an outstretched arm. If the Holy One, blessed be He, had not taken our fathers out of Egypt, then we, our children and our children's children would have remained enslaved to Pharaoh in Egypt even now. Even the wise, those with understanding, those who study and know, all of us, we are still be obligated to discuss the exodus from Egypt; and everyone who discusses the exodus from Egypt at length is worthy of praise.”

The five Sages:

“It has been past down to us that one Passover night Rabbi Eliezer, Rabbi Y’hoshua, Rabbi Elazar Ben Azaryah, Rabbi Akiva and Rabbi Tarphon were reclining at a seder in B'nei Berak. They were discussing the exodus from Egypt all that night, until one of their disciples came to them and said: “Masters! It is time to recite the morning Shema!”

Rabbi Elea’zar Ben Azaryah said: "Truly, I am like a man of seventy years old, yet I was not able to prove that the exodus from Egypt must be mentioned at night-until Ben Zoma explained it from the following words from scripture: “that all the days of your life you may remember the day you came out of the land of Egypt;”, Deut.16.3, now ‘the days of your life” refers to the days, however “all the days of your life” also includes the nights.”

The sages add: “ ‘The days of your life’ refers to the this world; and ‘all the days” include the days of HaMoshiach." Thus we are to remember them even now!

The Blessed is the Omnipresent One, blessed be He that gave us the Torah, Blessed be His Holy Name! The song of the four questions makes us believe that all those gathered are wise and the words of the five rabbis expand this, however the rabbis tell us otherwise:

The Four Sons:

{This can be just read aloud, but we formatted this for responsive reading. If done this way, you will need a narrator, a father, and four “sons”.}

Narrator: The Torah speaks of a wise son, but the sages tell us that there were really four : One is wise (chacham), one is wicked (rasha), one is simple (tam) and one does not know how to ask (she-ayno yodeya lish’ol). So what does the wise one ask? (You can answer this if none of your children do or they can take the parts of the four sons)

The wise one says: "What is the meaning of the testimonies, the statutes and the ordinances which L-rd, our G-d, has commanded you?" (Duet.6.20)

Father: “We were Pharaoh’s slaves in Egypt with a mighty hand; and the L-rd showed signs and wonders, great and grievous, against Egypt and against his household, before our eye; and He brought us out from there that He might bring us in and give the land which he swore to give to our fathers. And the L-rd commanded us to do all these statues, to fear the L-rd (YHVH) G-d, for our good always that He might preserve us alive, as at this day. And it be righteous for us, if we are careful to do all this commandment before the L-rd (YHVH) our G-d, as He commanded us.” (Duet.6.21-25) The beginning of all knowledge is fear and all G-d’s Laws are to preserve us for His Glory.

Narrator: Thus the wise child has listened and learned and now seeks to understand more deeply what it means to be good and does not stop at faith alone. As was Saint John to Yeshua, who was told who the betrayer was and it was this same wise disciple who “saw and believed” because he had listened carefully to all Yeshua has said; so when Yeshua’s Words were fulfilled he understood their implication.

Narrator: Yet not all believers are like Saint John. And now what does the wicked child ask?

The wicked one says: "What is this service to you? Why do I have to this service anyway? It didn’t happen to me!"

Narrator: Note he said “to you” and not “to me”, thus he says he does not belong to G-d’s people. Thus Judas will eat of the bread of life of His presence but he will leave the table to condemn Yeshua and in doing so, he will condemn himself. Thus unlike the wise son, the wicked one wants nothing from salvation but only death. And so the Father responds sadly.

Father: “Lo, it seems that G-d’s love for you, you do not know, thus it is because of this that the L-rd ransomed ME from Egypt and all those who believe in Him from the second death."

Narrator: Yet not all are wise or are all wicked for there is a simple-minded child like faith. So what does this simpleton now ask?

The simpleton says: "What is this? I do not understand!"

Narrator: It is no sin not to understand for meat comes after the milk and wisdom from knowledge and knowledge from fear of G-d. Saint Peter had not the understanding of Saint John but when He heard Yeshua speak of Bread of Life, of eating His very Body and Blood, though these words horrified him, He did not join the crowd that condemned Yeshua, but when asked said, “L-rd to Whom shall we go? You have the Words of Eternal Life; and we have believed, and have come to know, that You are the Holy One of G-d.”

So the father says: "With a strong hand the L-rd took us out of Egypt, from the house of slavery we were redeemed. This means by His power not ours. All we can bring is faith in Him."

Narrator: The last son is the one who does not know what he must ask, thus this one sits silently. Thus we are called to spread the good news to these of our world, just Yeshua did to His disciples and the disciples did after Yeshua had risen from the dead. So the father goes to him and says:

Father: "I tell you of these things my son because Torah tells me: “When your son asks you in time to come I am to respond `It is because of this that the L-rd did for me when I left Egypt.' For how can he ask me of the meaning of these things if I do not teach him of them first?"

Leader: In the beginning our fathers served idols; but now the Omnipresent One has brought us close to His service, as it is said: "Joshua said to all the people: Thus said the L-rd (YHVH), the G-d of Israel, `Your fathers lived of old beyond the Euphra’tes, Terach, the father of Av’raham and the father of Nachor, and they served other gods.

"And I took your father Av’raham (Abraham) from beyond the river, and I led him throughout the all land of Canaan, and I made his offspring many. I gave him Y’tzak (Isaac), and to Y’tzak gave Yacob (Jacob) and Esau. To Esau I gave the hill country of Seir to possess, and Yacob and his children went down to Egypt." (Jos.24.2-4)

“Blessed is He who keeps His promise to Israel, blessed be He! For the Holy One, blessed be He, calculated the end [of the bondage], in order to do as He had said to our father Av’raham at the "Covenant between the Portions, Gen.15, as it is written: "And He said to Av’raham, `Know of a surety that your descendants will be sojourners in a land that is not theirs, and will be oppressed for four hundred years; But I will bring judgment on the nation which they serve, and afterward they shall come out with great possessions.’ ” and He also when the time appointed came, sent His only Son as the true Pascal Sacrifice that if but believe in Him, we shall have eternal life.

{Now the Matzah is covered and the cup of wine raised as we say:}

This is what has stood by our fathers and us! For not just one has risen against us to destroy us, but in every generation they rise against us to destroy us; and the Holy One, blessed be He, saves us from their hand! Blessed Be He who redeems His people Yisrael. Thus this is not a story of what once was, but also a story of what is and what shall be until He comes in Glory, Amen, and Selah.

{Put down the wine cup and uncover the Matzah”

Go forth and ask of G-d what Laban the Amorites intended to do to our father Yacob. Because Pharaoh decreed to destroy only the males whereas Laban sought the death of all as it is written:

“A wandering Aramean was my father {“An Aramean had nearly caused my fathers to perish”}; and he went down to Egypt and sojourned there, few in number; and there became a nation, great, mighty and populous.

“A wandering Aramean was my father” points to Rivka (Rebecca), the mother of Yosif. Her father sought their destruction because she stole his gods but HaShem interceded and hid the idols from Laban’s eyes and forewarn Laban not to harm them. Yet it was Rivka fathers not Yacob’s or Yosif’s so why does it say “my father” not “my wife’s father”? Laban wandered from god to god, making gods of wood and precious metals and Joshua told us “in the beginning our father served idols”. Thus his father (before our father Av’raham) committed idolatry and went down to Egypt. Thus our heritage is in Paganism even if our heart, mind and strength are for G-d.

“And he went down to Egypt" to fulfill what was written. "And he sojourned there" – Thus our father Jacob did not go down to Egypt to settle, and he went down into Egypt and sojourned there but only to live there temporarily. For it is written, "They said to Pharaoh, ‘We have come to sojourn in the land, for there is no pasture for your servants' flocks for the famine is severe in the land of Canaan; and now, we pray you, let your servants dwell in the land of Goshen, Gen.47.1-6." We too are but sojourning in this world until He comes.

“Few in number” having only seventy persons in all (Ex.1.5) yet as is written by Moshe: "Your fathers went down to Egypt with seventy persons, and now, the L-rd, your G-d, has made you as numerous as the stars of heaven." (Deut.10.22) So it was with those gathered with Him that night. They numbered only twelve and would soon be only eleven. Yet when He comes again the Kingdom of G-d will number as the stars above and His Gospel has spread to all corners of the earth.

"And he became there a nation" this teaches that Israel was distinctive there and was a nation before they entered the promise land. In the same way the body is to be distinct and different from the world that surrounds it even before He returns.

"Great, mighty," as it is said: "And the descendants of Israel were fruitful and increased greatly, they multiplied and grew exceedingly strong, and the land became filled with them." (Gen.1.6) and so has His Church.

"And populous," as it is said: "about six hundred thousand men on foot, besides women and children. A mixed multitude also went up with them," Ex.12.37-38.

"And the Egyptians treated us harshly, afflicted us, and laid upon us hard bondage.” Deut.26.6

"The Egyptians treated us harshly," for Pharaoh said: “Come, let us deal shrewdly with them {the people} lest they multiply and, if war befall us, they join our enemies, and fight against us and escape from the land." (Ex.1.10)

They "afflicted us," as it is said: "Therefore they set taskmasters over them {the people of Israel} to afflict them with heavy burdens; and they built for Pharaoh the storage cities, Pithom and Ram’ses." (Gen.1.11)

" laid upon us hard bondage," as it is said: "So they {the Egyptians} made the people of Israel serve with rigor, and made their lives bitter with hard service, in mortar and bricks and in all manner of work in the field, in all their work they made them serve with rigor."

“Then we cried out to the L-rd, the G-d of our fathers, and the L-rd heard our voice, and saw our afflictions, our toil and our oppression.” (Deut.26.8)

"And we cried out to the L-rd, the G-d of our fathers," as it is written: "In the course of many days, the king of Egypt died; and the people of Israel groaned under their bondage, and cried out for help, and their cry under bondage came up to G-d." (Ex.2.23)

"And the L-rd heard our voice" as it said: "And G-d heard their groaning, and G-d remembered His covenant with Av’raham, Y’tzak and Yacob." Ex.2.24.

" saw our afflictions,” this denotes the separation from their wives for it is written: “G-d saw the peoples suffering and G-d knew their condition.” Ex.2.25

“our toil (labor), this was for the children for it was written: “Every son that is born you shall cast into the rive, but you shall let every daughter live.” Ex.1.22

“and our oppression,” For it is written: “And now, behold, the cry of the people of Israel has come to Me, and I have seen the oppression with which they are oppressed.” Ex.3.9

"and the L-rd brought us out of Egypt with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm, and with great terror, and with signs and wonders." (Duet.25.8)

"The L-rd took us out of Egypt," not through an angel, not through a seraph and not through a messenger. The Holy One, blessed be He, did it in His glory by Himself!

Thus it is written: "For I will pass through the land of Egypt that night, and I will smite every first-born in the land of Egypt, both man and beast, and on the gods of Egypt, I will execute judgments: I AM the L-rd." (Ex. 12.12)

"I will pass through the land of Egypt," I and not an angel;

"And I will smite every first-born in the land of Egypt," I and not a Seraph;

"And I will carry out judgments against all the gods of Egypt," I and not a messenger; "I- the L-rd," it is I, and none other!”

“With a mighty hand,” this refers to His pestilence as Moshe warned Pharaoh: "behold the hand of the L-rd will fall with a very severe plague upon your cattle which are in the field, the houses, the asses, the camels and the flocks.” Ex.9.3

“And with an outstretched arm,” is His sword, as it is written: “David lifted his eyes and saw . . . a drawn sword stretched over Jerusalem.” 1Chr.16

“And with a great terror”, refers to the revelation of the Shechinah (Divine Presence), as it is said: “or has any G-d ever attempted to go and take a nation from the midst of another nation, by trials, signs and wonders, by war and by a mighty hand and an outstretched arm, and by great terrors, according to all that the L-rd your G-d, did for you in Egypt before your eyes!” (Deut.4.34)

"And with signs," this refers to the staff, as it is said: "And you shall take in your hand this rod, with which you shall do the signs." (Ex.4.17)

{When saying the next words “blood, fire, and pillars of smoke,” the leader spills from a special cup (representing HaShem’s cup) once for each word, for it is written that the L-rd our G-d has poured out His wrath. And so it is spilled into a broken vessel (which represents the second death) as it is written: “I have passed out of the mind like one who is dead; I have become like a broken vessel.” Ps.31.12}

"And wonders," this refers to the plagues, as it is written: "And I shall show wonders in the heaven and on the earth, blood, and fire and pillars of smoke.”

{Now all will dip their fingers to remove from their cups of joy for each plague spoken or sung as a tone {a below middle c}. We usually sing the Hebrew together and let the kids jump in with the short explanations.}

  1. Dam/Blood (Ex.7.14-24) “all the waters turned to blood from the Nile to the wells and the Egyptians could get no water to drink.”
  2. Ts’farday-ah/Frogs (Ex.8.1-15) “Frogs showed everywhere, in there houses, their ovens and even their beds.”
  3. Kinnim/Lice or Gnats (Ex.8.16-19) “the dust turned into biting insects that covered both man and beast.”
  4. ‘Arov/Flies (Ex.8.20-24) “flies were in every Egyptian house even Pharaoh’s and all the land was ruined because of the flies.”
  5. Dayvayr/Pestilence (Ex.9.1-7) “Then, there was a very bad plague and all the animals of the Egyptians died.”
  6. Sh’chin/Boils (Ex.9.8-12) “ashes from a kiln turned into boils which broke out into painful sores on both man and beast.
  7. Barad/Hail (Ex.9.22-34) “Thunder, hail and fire rained down from heaven and struck down both man and beast.”
  8. Arbay/Locust (Ex.10.3-20) “The locust followed the hail and ate anything the hail had left.”
  9. Chosech/Darkness (Ex.10.21-23) “Darkness fell over the land and it was so dark no one could go about for three days.
  10. Makkat B’chorot/Slaying of the First-born (Ex.11-12.32) “At midnight the L-rd smote all the first born from the son of pharaoh to the lowest servant and their was not a house among the Egyptians where someone had not died.”

“This month shall be for you the beginning of months; it shall be the first month of the year for you. {on} the fourteenth day of this month, {all of} Israel shall kill their lambs in the evening. Then they shall take some blood, and put it on the two doorposts and the lintel of the houses in which they shall eat them. They shall eat the flesh that night, roasted; with unleavened bread and bitter herb they shall eat. In this manner you shall eat it; your loins girded, your sandals on your feet, and your staff in your hand; and you shall eat in haste. It is the L-rd's Passover. For I will pass through the land of Egypt that night , and I will smite all the first born. . . and when I see the blood, I will pass over you,” Ex.12.2,6-8,10,12-13.

“And at midnight the L-rd smote all the first born in the land of Egypt. . . and there was a great cry in Egypt, for there was not a house where one was not dead. And he {Pharaoh} . . . said ‘Rise up, go forth from among my people, both you and the people Israel,” Ex.12.29-31

“And the Egyptians were urgent with the people, to send them out of the land in haste; for they said, ‘We are all dead men.’ So the people took their dough before it was leavened, their kneading bowls being bound up in their mantles on their shoulders. The people of Israel had also done as Moses told them, for they asked of the Egyptians jewelry of silver and gold, and clothing. . . thus they despoiled the Egyptians. And they baked unleavened cakes of dough, which they had brought out of Egypt, for it was not leavened, because they were trusted out of Egypt and could not tarry , neither had they prepared for themselves any provisions.” Ex.12.33-36, 39

“And the L-rd went before them by day in a pillar of cloud to lead them along the way, and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, that they may travel by night,” Ex.13.21. However Pharaoh had changed his mind and sought with his whole army to pursue the Israelites and he trapped them by the sea. The people panicked but HaShem moved the cloud between the army and our people then He commanded Moshe lift up his staff and the Sea parted and the nation Israel walked upon dry ground to the other side with the waters like walls beside them. But the army of Pharaoh pursued them even then and again the people feared. But G-d brought the waters down upon the Egyptian, “the horse and the rider” He threw into the sea. Ex.13-15.1.

“Thus the L-rd saved all of Israel that day from the hand of the Egyptians; and Israel saw the Egyptians dead upon the seashore. And Israel saw the great work which G-d had did against the Egyptians, and the people feared the L-rd,” Ex.14.30-31.

Dayenu {Here the song is often sung to help keep the interest of children}

How many levels of favors has the Omnipresent One bestowed upon us:

If He had brought us out from Egypt, and had not carried out judgments against them Dayenu, it would have been enough!

If He had carried out judgments against them, and not against their idols Dayenu, it would have been enough!

If He had destroyed their idols, and had not smitten their first-born Dayenu, it would have been enough!

If He had smitten their first-born, and had not given us their wealth Dayenu, it would have been enough!

If He had given us their wealth, and had not split the sea for us Dayenu, it would have been enough!

If He had split the sea for us, and had not taken us through it on dry land Dayenu, it would have been enough!

If He had taken us through the sea on dry land, and had not drowned our oppressors in it Dayenu, it would have been enough!

If He had drowned our oppressors in it, and had not supplied our needs in the desert for forty years Dayenu, it would have been enough!

If He had supplied our needs in the desert for forty years, and had not fed us the manna Dayenu, it would have been enough!

If He had fed us the manna, and had not given us the Shabbat Dayenu, it would have been enough!

If He had given us the Shabbat, and had not brought us before Mount Sinai Dayenu, it would have been enough!

If He had brought us before Mount Sinai, and had not given us the Torah Dayenu, it would have been enough!

If He had given us the Torah, and had not brought us into the land of Israel Dayenu, it would have been enough!

If He had brought us into the land of Israel, and had not built for us the Beit Habechirah (Holy Temple; the Beit Hamikdash) Dayenu, it would have been enough!

Thus how much more should we be grateful to the Omnipresent One for the doubled and redoubled goodness that He has bestowed upon us; for He has brought us out of Egypt, and carried out judgments against them, and against their idols, and smote their first-born, and gave us their wealth, and split the sea for us, and took us through it on dry land, and drowned our oppressors in it, and supplied our needs in the desert for forty years, and fed us the manna, and gave us the Shabbat, and brought us before Mount Sinai, and gave us the Torah, and brought us into the land of Israel and refined us and built for us the Beit Habechirah to atone for all our sins.

Yet we all know that it should have been enough, but it never truly was. Not long after they saw all these great wonders of G-d did the Israelites build the golden calf (Ex.32) and said the calf had done these things! And even after all this generation died in the desert of Sin and Y’hoshua (Joshua) brought our people into the Promise Land, king Dovid united them and Solomon built His Temple, our people still sinned again building altars to Asherah and Baal on every hillside and sacrifice their children before these false gods. No, it never was enough, not even Babylon and exile was enough, nor was Antiochus.

Thus the Ruach called Rabbi Gamliel to tell us that even the recitation of this great miracle was not enough. He said we need three more things: “Whoever does not discuss the following three things on Pesach has not fulfilled his duty, namely: Pesach (the Pesach-sacrifice), Matzah (the unleavened bread) and Maror (the bitter herbs).”

{Lifting the Beitzah (roosted egg) the leader says:}

Pesach - for what reason did our fathers sacrifice the Pesach-lamb and then eat this during the time of the Beit Hamikdash (the Holy Temple)?

{Now placing the egg back on the plate and lifting the Z’roah (lamb shank) and say:}

Because the Omnipresent passed over our fathers' houses in Egypt, as it is written:

"And when your children say to you, ‘What do you mean by this service?’ You shall say, ‘It is a service of the L-rd’s Passover, for He passed over the houses of the people of Israel in Egypt, when He slew the Egyptians but spared our houses’.” (Ex.12.26-27).

And why did He spare their houses? It was the blood, as it is written:

“The blood shall be a sign for you, upon the houses where you are; and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and no plague shall fall upon you to destroy you, when I smite the Egyptians.” Ex.12.13

Thus the blood is a sign for all covenant even the covenant of Moshe, even the New Covenant that Yeshua brought must be sealed in blood. Then and only then when the covenant was sealed would G-d pass over our sin.

{Putting the Z’roah down you take the broken Matzah into your hand and say:}

Matzah- why do we eat only Matzah? Because our bread did not have time to rise yet Av’raham also kept this feast so Unleavened bread must have a greater meaning. Saint Paul tells us that the leavening also represents our sins:

“Your boasting is no good. Do you not know that a little leaven leavens the whole lump? Cleanse out the old leaven that you may be a new lump as you are really unleavened. For Christ, our Pascal Lamb, has been sacrifice. Let us therefore, celebrate the festival, not with the old leaven, the leaven of malice and evil, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.” 1Cor.5.6-8

And this Pascal Lamb was broken like this Matzah, they stripped Him with their whips and pierced him with a spear just as the Matzah is striped and pieced. And He was sincere and truthful yet still through righteous He bore our sins so that if we but believe in Him we might have eternal life. All this so that the Word may be fulfilled:

“But He was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities; upon Him was the chastisement that made us whole, and with His stripes we are healed. All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the L-rd has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.” Is.4-6

{Now taken the maror into your hand and say:}

Why do we eat this maror? Because the Egyptians embittered our fathers' lives in Egypt, as it is written:

“And they made their lives bitter with hard service, in mortar and in bricks, and in all kinds of work in the field; in all their work they made them serve with rigor.” Ex.1.14

Yet if the Pascal Lamb points to the blood of the New Covenant and the Unleavened Bread to the One Whose sacrifice would make us whole then the maror must also represents our sin and this is what the sacrifice was made, to cover our iniquity once and for all. Yet how Yeshua draw this connection for His disciples is not clear to us but only that He did indeed draw this.

Thus we have the Blood of the Covenant, the Suffering Servant of Isaiah, and the sins that condemn us when He reminded us:

That every generation must regard this as if he himself had come out of Egypt because we are told in the Word: “And you shall tell your child on that day, ‘It is because of what the L-rd did for me when I came out of Egypt.’” Ex.13.8. And “This day shall be for you a memorial day, and you shall keep it as a feast to the L-rd; throughout your generations you shall observe it as an ordinance for ever.” Ex.12.14.

Thus the Holy One, blessed be He, it was not only our ancestors alone whom He redeemed, but also He redeemed us with them. This is our story. It was a truth written long ago, foretold to our father Av’raham, worked through the hands of HaShem’s servant, and fulfilled through the ministry of His only Son. Thus we read:

"And He brought us out of there {Egypt}, that He might bring us in and give us the land which He swore to give to our fathers.” Duet.6.23

{Cover the Matzah and raise the cup. The cup is to be held in the hand until the completion of the blessing:}

Therefore we are called to thank Him, praise Him, laud, extol, honor, revere, exalt and thank Him Who has done Great Things for us! He Who preformed for our fathers doing great miracles, brought us from slavery to freedom, from sorrow to joy, from mourning to celebrating, to servitude to redemption. Therefore let us sing a New Song to G-d. Hallelujah!

{What follows is the traditional prayer, which is Ps.113 in its entirety, but a song from this psalm like Erich Sylvester’s, “Blessed Be G-d Forever” or even the Gloria can replace it.}

Halleluiah - Praise the L-rd! Praise, O servants of the L-rd; praise the Name of the L-rd!

Blessed be the name of the L-rd from this time forth and for evermore! From the rising of the sun to its setting, the Name of the L-rd is to be praised! The L-rd is high above all nations, His glory is over the heavens!

Who is like the L-rd, our G-d, who is seated on high, Who looks far down upon heaven and earth? He raises the poor from the dust, He lifts the needy from the ash heap, to make them sit with princes, with princes of His people. He gives the barren woman a home, making her the joyous mother of children. Halleluiah – praise the L-rd.”

{Ps.114} “When Yisrael went forth Egypt, the House of Yacob from a people of a strange language, Yudah became His sanctuary, Israel His dominion.

The sea saw and fled, the Jordan turned back. The mountains skipped like rams, the hills like lambs.

What ails you, O sea, that you flee? O Jordan, that you turn back? O mountains, that you skip like rams? O hills, like lambs?

Tremble, O earth, at the presence of the L-rd, at the presence of the G-d of Yacob, Who turns the rock into a pool of water, the flint into a spring.”

Blessed are You, O Eternal, our G-d, King of the universe, Who has redeemed us and redeemed our fathers from Egypt and from sin, and enabled us to attain this night to eat Matzah and maror. So too, G-d, O Eternal, our G-d, and G-d of our fathers, enable us to attain other holidays and festivals that will come to us in peace with happiness in the rebuilding of Your city, and with rejoicing in Your service. Blessed are You, G-d, who redeemed Israel.

Here we know from Luke that Yeshua added “I have earnestly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer; I tell you I shall not eat it until it is fulfilled in the kingdom of G-d. Then He took a cup and said:

{Recite the following blessing, and drink the cup in the reclining position:}

Barukh Atah, Ad-nai (YHVH) El-heinu Melekh Ha-olam, boray p’ree hagafen.

Blessed are You, L-rd (YHVH), our G-d, King of the universe, who creates the fruit of the vine.

Then He said:

“Take this, and divide it among yourselves; I tell you that from now on I shall not drink of the fruit of vine until the kingdom of G-d comes.” Lk.22.14-18


Barukh Atah, Ad-nai (YHVH) El-heinu Melekh Ha-olam, asher kid’shanu Bemitzvotav vitzivanu al netilat yadayim.

Blessed are You, L-rd (YHVH), our G-d, King of the universe, who has sanctified us with His commandments and commanded us concerning the washing of the hands.

{The pitcher and basin are brought out to wash hands. We believe this was the point Yeshua washed the feet of the apostles. So instead of washing hands, the leader ties a towel about his waist, takes the basin and the picture into his hands and walks about the table washing his guests hands. Then he says:}

“Do you know what I have done to you? You call Me teacher and L-rd; and you are right, for so I Am. If then I Your L-rd and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example, that you also should do as I have done to you. Truly, truly, I say to you, a servant is not greater than his Master; nor is He Who is sent greater than He Who sent Him. If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them. I am not speaking of you all; I know whom I have chosen; it is that scripture may be fulfilled, ‘He who ate My Bread has lifted his heel against Me.’ I tell you this now, before it takes place, that when it does take place you might believe that I am He.”


{Taking the two whole Matzo and the broken one, say the following blessings:}

Barukh Atah Ad-nai (YHVH) El-heinu, Melekh Ha-olam HaMotzi lechem min Ha-aretz

Blessed are You O’L-rd (YHVH) Our G-d, King of the Universe Who brings forth bread from the earth.

Barukh Atah, Ad-nai (YHVH) Eloheinu Melekh Ha-olam, asher kid’shanu Bemitzvotav vitzivanu al a-cheelas Matzah.

Blessed are You O’L-rd (YHVH) Our G-d, King of the Universe Who sanctifies us by His commandments and calls us to eat unleavened bread.

{Now leader breaks the middle Matzah and distributes this.}

He broke it gave it to them, saying, “This is My body which is given for You. Do this in remembrance of Me.” Lk.22.17-19.

Maror: {Now we cut the maror into small pieces (some break up more matzah and dip this, but traditionally the root is dipped. During Yeshua’s time the lamb was dipped into the Maror and if using a lam substitute this should be done) and the pieces are distributed. The blessing is said:}

Barukh Atah, Ad-nai (YHVH) Eloheinu Melekh Ha-olam, asher kid’shanu Bemitzvotav vitzivanu al a-cheelas Maror.

Blessed are You O’L-rd (YHVH) Our G-d, King of the Universe Who sanctifies us by His commandments and calls us to eat bitter herbs.

{We do not eat the Maror at this time.}

Korech (Hillel sandwich):

{Now the bottom Matzah is brought out and shared again, which each person has enough to make three pieces each. Two are kept in hand but one is set aside. Take one of the pieces and dip in Kharoset and one in Khazeret forming a sandwich and say same blessing. And if you have lamb (or lamb substitute) dip this into Khazeret but pass the Kharoset and say the blessing:}

Then He said:

Zaycher L’mikdash k’heelayl: Kayn asar heelayl bizman shebays ha Mikdash hayar kayaem. Hayar korach matzah v maror v’o’chal b’yachad. L’kayaym ma shene-emar: Al Matzo u m’roreem yochluhu.

Thus did Hillel during the existence of the Holy Temple (yet before the coming of Yeshua) he took unleavened bread and bitter herbs, and ate them together, in order to perform the Law, “With unleavened bread and bitter herbs shall they eat it.”

{What you read below depends on whether you have root, lamb or just Khazeret (sauce)}

When Yeshua had thus spoken, He was troubled in spirit, and testified, ‘Truly, truly, I say to you, one of you will betray Me.’ The disciples looked at one another, uncertain of whom He spoke (Jn.13.12-21). And they were very sorrowful, and began to say to Him one after another, “Is it I L-rd” (Matt.26.20-21-22).

{>>>If using the root or lamb say: “One of His disciples, whom Yeshua loved, was lying close to His breast of Yeshua; so Simon Peter beckoned to him and said, ‘Tell us who it is of whom you He speaks.’ So lying thus, close to the breast of Yeshua, he said to Him, ‘L-rd, who is it?’ Yeshua answered, ‘It is he to whom I shall give this morsel when I dip it.’ So when He had dipped the morsel he gave it to Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot.” (Jn.13.21-26)[>>>Dip either horseradish or lamb into sauce and distribute this to each member. Then each member places this between their Matzo forming a sandwich] <<<}

{>>> If you have just Khazeret say: “He said to them It is the one of the twelve. One who is dipping bread into the dish with Me. For the Son of man goes as it is written of Him, but woe to the man by whom the Son of man is betrayed! It would be better for that man if he had not been born.” (Lk.14.20-21){each member dips portion of Matzah in Maror and other Matzah in Kharoset. Then they put these two together to form a sandwich reclining because our sin is covered by the sacrifice just as the Maror is covered by the taste of the lamb/Kharoset} <<<}

{all eat.}

Then after this was eaten Yeshua took the cup, saying {lifting the cup}:

“Drink of it, all of you; for this is My blood of the New Covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. But behold the hand of the him who betrays Me is with Me at table.”

{Putting the cup down and everyone takes up the piece of Matzah in your hand say}

And we are told that this saddened the disciples greatly and they began to ask: “‘Is it I? He answered, ‘He that who has dipped his hand in the dish with Me, will betray Me.’” Matt.26.23,

{each participant dips their Matzah into Maror with the leader. For those with either the root or the lamb substitute now say:

“For the Son of Man goes as it is written of Him, but woe to that man by whom the Son of man is betrayed! It would be better for that man if he had not been born.” Mk.14.21

We eat the Maror here because the Maror was the only sauce at the table they could have dipped their Matzo into (Kharoset was added to the Seder after the Temple’s destruction}. Why is this written? Because the sin of Judas was like the slavery long ago. It condemned the righteous Moshiach unto death and also condemned Judas unto damnation! Thus we get a taste for this brief moment the penalty of sin and the meal both Yeshua and Judas shared, Yeshua bearing our sins, and Judas carrying his own. For it is written (if you quoted Luke above do not read what is in brackets):

“Then after eating the morsel, satan entered into him.” Jn.14.27 “Yeshua said to him, ‘What you are going to do, do quickly.’ Now no one at the table knew why He had said this to him. Some thought that, because Judas had the moneybox, Yeshua was telling him, ‘Buy what we need for the feast’’; or that he should give something to the poor. So, after receiving the morsel, he immediately went out; and it was night. Jn.13.27-30.

Thus we eat this Matzah to remind us of the death He soon would suffer, His cross that He told us all must carry and to taste the second death that would be ours if we reject His grace. We do this to share in Judas’ sin because we also are partakers in the crucifixion of our L-rd.

{Everyone eats their Matzah not reclining because now we are to remember our sins and repent!}

When he had gone out, Yeshua said, ‘Now is the Son of man glorified and in Him G-d is glorified; if G-d is glorified in Him G-d will also glorify Him in Himself, and glorify Him at once. Little children, yet a little while I am with you. You will seek Me; and as I said to the Jews so now I say to you ‘Where I am going you cannot come’ A new Commandment I give to you, that you love one another; even as I have loved you, that you love one another. By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you love for one another.”Jn.13.33-35

“Simon Peter said to Him, ‘L-rd where are you going?’ Jesus answered, ‘Where I am going you cannot follow Me now; but you shall not follow Me now; but you shall follow afterward.’ Peter said to Him, ‘L-rd, why cannot I follow You now? I will lay down my life for You.’ Jesus answered, ‘Will you lay down your life for Me? Truly, truly, I say to you, the cock will not crow, till you have denied Me three times.”Jn.13.36-38, “Simon, Simon, behold, satan demanded to have you, that he might sift you like wheat, but I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail; and when you have turned again, strengthen your brethren.’” Lk.22.31-33

Thus we are also sometimes like Peter, our heart is willing but our flesh is weak. Yeshua allows hasatan to sift us because out of His love for us we can be refined, just as Peter was made fit to lead the Church after His assumption. Though we may still sometimes fall short, we need to reconcile so we may be present with Him in the wedding feast. This is what Judas never did- reconcile with HaShem, yet Peter also denied Yeshua, but was able to do reconcile. So may we be like Saint Peter and mourn when we denied Him through our actions and seek reconciliation to Him so the He may cover our sins and make us clean.

Shulchan Orech

{Now we serve the festive meal. It is permitted to drink wine between the second and third cups and also permitted to eat what’s left of the Matzah (but not the afikomen). Both Luke and John have more conversations that happened at the feast Lk.22.35-38 which may have followed this event and then John from chapter14-17 which seems to recant the whole conversation of the feast that night. We usually point out important teachings Yeshua bought up and use these in our conversations, asking questions and giving answers. Also you can work with Yeshua meant when He said above that we show we are His disciples by loving one another.}


{Now the feast is done all we need is the afikomen but where was it put, does anyone know? So the leader says:}

Now that we have eaten, all we need now is the Afikomen {if the children have not taken the hint, send them to find the Afikomen. When they return with the Afikomen, the leader gives them a small gift and they return to their seats with their loot while the leader breaks the Afikomen into enough pieces for all those still awake.}

Why do we eat this Matzah, hidden away and recovered by the hand of a child? Traditional Seders give no answer, but we of the New Covenant know and understand that the Exodus from Egypt did not end in a perfect freedom because our fathers still clung to their sins. So HaShem gave them manna, a bread sent down from heaven to prove them as it is written:

“Behold, I will rain bread from for you; and the people shall go out and gather a day’s portion every day, that I may prove them, whether they will walk in My Law or not.”

Thus the manna was given to prove whether they would walk in His Laws or not. We too were released from the slavery of sin even though we still live in the world of sin we are to walk in Him. And like our fathers before us He also gave us manna from heaven as it is written:

“Truly, truly, I say to you, it was not Moshe who gave you the bread from heaven; My Father gives you the true bread from heaven. For the bread of G-d is that which comes down from heaven, and gives life to the world.” Jn.6.32-34

Yeshua is the manna that came down from heaven. It was He who gave His body and shed His blood that we might be saved:

“Your fathers ate the manna in the wilderness, and they died. This is the bread, which comes down from heaven, that a man may eat of it and not die. I am the living bread which came down from heaven; if any one eats of this bread, he will live forever; and the bread which I will give for the life of the world is My Flesh.” Jn.6.48-51

It is the Eucharist that is His flesh, which He gave up that we might live, therefore we should reflect upon the Blessed Sacrament of the Mass and remember what great things He has done for us!


{The third cup is poured now, and we recite Birkat Hamazon (Blessing after the Meal) over it. However, first recite the Kiddush for the second last time.}

Barukh Atah, Ad-nai (YHVH) El-heinu Melekh Ha-olam, boray p’ree hagafen.

Blessed are You, L-rd (YHVH) our G-d, King of the Universe, Who created the fruit of the vine.

On this night before He was Given up to die, Yeshua gave us the Bread of Life saying this was His body; and the wine saying this was His blood of the New Covenant to be shed for the life of the world. He said this to fulfill His words spoken before the unbelieving crowd where he said:

“Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in you.”Jn.6.53

How can eating a wafer (cracker) and drinking wine (grape juice) give life? He explains:

“He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood abides in Me and I in him.” Jn.6.56

Thus by going before His Table at Mass we are brought into obedience in Him and therefore He can find a place in our heart. Yet how can we be made obedient by eating wafers and wine? Remember the manna? HaShem sent this saying He sent it:

“that I may prove them, whether they will walk in My Law or not.”

Yeshua is the Living Manna. Thus by taking the bread and wine at His living Sacrifice of the Mass, we are also taking that first step in faith. How does this step of faith help us in our walk with Christ? This He told us at His Last Supper:

“Do this in remembrance of Me.” Lk.22.19

When we go before His Body and Blood at Mass, we are to remember the price he paid for our sins and by doing this we take a step in faith which will lead us to a closer union in Him through faith and our Eucharist. Not that we need to dip this in Maror even once a year, yet we see no harm in keeping a gentle reminder which brings us a little deeper in understanding, not only of His Blessed Sacrament, but also what was bought at a price which we never can pay back on our own merits. Thus St. Paul tells us:

“The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not a participation in the blood of Christ? The bread which we break, is it not a participation in the body of Christ? Because there is one bread, we who are many are one body, for we all partake of the one bread.” 1Cor.10.17

This bread brings us into union with Him and unites us as one body in Him. This is because wherever it is offered we proclaim His death as is written:

“For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, your proclaim the L-rd’s death till He comes.” 1 Cor.11.26

Thus His words at the Last Supper are made clear. If the bread and wine unite us and proclaim His death, then by going before the Sacrifice of the Mass in faith the world will see our unity and love and know that Yeshua is indeed HaMoshiach, Jn.17.23.

A Song of Ascents

When the L-rd restored the fortunes of Zion! We were like those who dream. Then our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongue with shout of joy; then they said among the nation, ‘The L-rd has done great things for them.’ The L-rd has done great things for us; we are glad. Restore our fortunes, O L-rd, Like the watercourses in the Negeb (an arid region south of Israel)! May those who sow tears reap with shouts of Joy! He that goes forth weeping, bearing the seed for sowing, shall come home with shouts of joy, bringing his sheaves with him.” Ps.126

“A Psalm of the sons of Korach. A song.

On the Holy Mount stands the city he founded; the L-rd loves the gates of Zion more than all the dwelling places of Jacob. Glorious things are spoken of you City of G-d. Selah.

Among those who know Me I mention Rahab (boaster) and Babylon (confused); behold, Philistia (migratory) and Tyre (rock), with Ethiopia (Cush)- ‘This one was born there,” they say.

And of Zion it shall be said, ‘This one and that one were born in her’, for the Most High Himself will establish her. The L-rd records as He registers the peoples, ‘This One was born there.’ Singers and dancers alike say, ‘All My springs are in You.’” Ps.87

“I will bless the L-rd at all times, His praise shall continually be in mouth.” Ps.34.1 The ultimate conclusion, all having been heard: fear G-d, Have faith in His Son Who died for us, and abide in Him, and love your neighbor, for this is the whole of man. My mouth will utter the praise of the L-rd, and all flesh shall bless His holy Name forever and ever. And we will bless the L-rd from now and forever; Hallelujah, Praise G-d.

Nirtzah {Before saying this verse we wash our fingers:}

This is the portion of a wicked man from G-d, and the heritage assigned to him by G-d. This is the path Judas chose, may we never follow in his ways.

{After this, the following verse is said:}

And he said to me: This is the table that is before the L-rd.

{The following is a blessing after the meal. By rabbinical law, when there is a quorum of (at least 10) men over the age 13, please include the parenthesis [], however the option is yours because this law is not binding. Please note that the Reform do allow women. }

{And so the leader begins:}

Leader: Gentlemen, let us say Grace!

Assembled: The Name of the Eternal be blessed from now to eternity.

Leader: Let us Bless Him [our G-d], of Whose gifts we have enjoyed.

Assembled: Blessed be He [our G-d] of Whose gifts we have enjoyed and Whose goodness we exist.

All: Blessed be our G-d and praised be His Name always, forever and ever.

Blessed are You, L-rd, our G-d (YHVH), King of the universe, Who, in His goodness, feeds the whole world with grace, with kindness and with mercy. He gives food to all flesh, for His kindness is everlasting. Because of His great goodness we have never been in lack of food, and may we never be so, for the sake of His Great Name. For He is a compassionate G-d who feeds all and sustains all, does good to all, and prepares food for all His creatures whom He has created, as it is said: “You open Your hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing.” Blessed are You L-rd, who provides food for all.

We thank You, L-rd (YHVH), our G-d, for having given as a heritage to our fathers a precious inheritance, good and spacious land; for having brought us out, L-rd our G-d, from the land of Egypt and redeemed us from our sins; for Your covenant which You have sealed in our flesh through the blood of Your Son; for Your Word which You have taught us; for Your statutes which You have made known to us; for the life, favor and kindness which You have graciously bestowed upon us; and for the food we eat with which You constantly feed and sustain us every day, at all times, and at every hour.

For all this, O Eternal, our G-d, we thank You and bless You. May the mouth of every living being, constantly and forever, bless Your Name. As it is written: “When you have eaten and are satiated, you shall bless the L-rd your G-d, for the good land, which He has given you.” Blessed are You, L-rd, for the land and for the food.

Have mercy, O Eternal, our G-d, upon Israel Your people, upon Jerusalem Your city, upon Zion the abode of Your glory, upon the kingship of the house of David Your anointed-Yeshua, and upon the great and holy House, which is called by Your Name. You are Our G-d, our Father, Our Shepherd, feed us, sustain us, nourish us and give us comfort; and speedily, O Eternal, our G-d, grant us relief from all our afflictions. L-rd, our G-d, please do not make us dependent upon the gifts of mortal men nor upon their loans, but only upon Your full, open, holy and generous hand, that we may not be shamed or disgraced forever and ever.

{On Shabbat add: May it please You, G-d (YHVH), our G-d, to strengthen us through Your commandments, and through the precept of the Seventh Day, this great and holy Shabbos. For this day is great and holy before You, to refrain from work and to rest thereon with love, in accordance with the commandment of Your will. In Your will, G-d, our G-d, bestow upon us tranquility, that there shall be no trouble, sadness or grief on the day of our rest. G-d (YHVH), our G-d, let us see the consolation of Zion Your city, and the rebuilding of Jerusalem Your holy city, for You are the Master of Salvations and the Master of consolations.}

Our G-d (YHVH) and G-d of our fathers, may there ascend, come and reach, be seen and accepted, heard, recalled and remembered before You, the remembrance and recollection of us, the remembrance of our fathers, the remembrance of Moshiach the son of David Your servant (Yeshua in His return), the remembrance of Jerusalem Your holy city, and the remembrance of all Your people the House of Israel, for deliverance, well-being, grace, kindness, mercy, good life and peace, on this day of the Chag HaMotzi, on this Festival of holy convocation. Remember us on this day, O Eternal(YHVH), our G-d, for good; recollect us on this day for blessing; help us on this day for good life. With the promise of deliverance and compassion, spare us and be gracious to us; have mercy upon us and deliver us; for our eyes are directed to You, for You, G-d, are a gracious and merciful King.

Rebuild Jerusalem the holy city speedily in our days. Blessed are You, L-rd, who in His mercy rebuilds Jerusalem. Amen.

Blessed are You, O Eternal (YHVH), our G-d, King of the universe, benevolent G-d, our Father, our King, our Might, our Creator, our Redeemer, our Maker, our Holy One, the Holy One of Jacob, our Shepherd, the Shepherd of Israel, the King who is good and does good to all, each and every day. He has done good for us, He does good for us, and He will do good for us; He has bestowed, He bestows, and He will forever bestow upon us grace, kindness and mercy, relief, salvation and success, blessing and help, consolation, sustenance and nourishment, compassion, life, peace and all goodness; and may He never cause us to lack any good thing.

May the Merciful One reign over us forever and ever. May the Merciful One be blessed in heaven and on earth. May the Merciful One be praised for all generations, and be glorified in us forever and all eternity, and honored in us forever and ever. May the Merciful One sustain us with honor. May the Merciful One break the yoke of exile from our neck and may He lead us upright to our own land. May the Merciful One send abundant blessing into this house and upon this table at which we have eaten. May the Merciful One send us Elijah the Prophet may he be remembered for good and may he bring us good tidings, salvation and consolation.

{Said by the children:} May the Merciful One bless my father, my teacher, the master of this house, and my mother, my teacher, the mistress of this house; them, their household, {Husbands:} me and my wife, {wives} me and my husband, {anyone with children} and our children, and all that is theirs; {everyone}and all here present, us and all belong to us. Just as He blessed our forefathers, Av’raham, Y’tzak and Yacob, "in everything," "from everything," with "everything," so may He bless all of us (the children of the Covenant) together with a perfect blessing, and may He grant us peace and let us say, Amen.

{All:} From On High, may there be invoked upon him and upon us such merit which will bring a safeguarding of peace. May we receive blessing from the L-rd and just kindness from the G-d of our salvation, and may we find grace and good understanding in the eyes of G-d and man.

{On Shabbat add: May the Merciful One cause us to inherit that day which will be all Shabbat and rest for life everlasting.}

May the Merciful One cause us to inherit that day which is all good.

May the Merciful One grant us the privilege of reaching the days of the Moshiach Ben Dovid’s return in Glory and the life of the World to Come. He who makes peace in His heights, may He make peace for us and for all Israel; and say, Amen.

Fear the Eternal One, you His Talmudine, for those who fear Him suffer no want. Young lions are in need and go hungry, but those who seek the Eternal shall not lack any good. Give thanks to the Eternal One for He is good, for His kindness is everlasting. You open Your hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing. Blessed is the man who trusts in the L-rd, and the L-rd will be his trust.

{Empty our cups (without the blessing) and then refill them (but do not drink). We also pour the cup for the two lamp-stands foretold in Revelations and Zechariah: one of which is Y’hoshua and the other Zerab’babel}

Barukh Atah, Ad-nai (YHVH) El-heinu Melekh Ha-olam, boray p’ree hagafen.

Blessed are You, L-rd (YHVH) our G-d, King of the Universe, Who created the fruit of the vine.

{The door is opened. Then say the following traditional blessing:}

Pour out Your wrath upon the nations that do not acknowledge You, and upon the kingdoms that do not call upon Your Name. For they have devoured Jacob and laid waste his habitation. Pour out Your indignation upon them, and let the wrath of Your anger overtake them. Pursue them with anger, and destroy them from beneath the heavens of the L-rd.

{Then we continue with this one for our Church:}

Turn again, YHVH of Hosts! Look down from heaven, and see; have regard for this vine, the stock which, Thy Right Hand planted. They have burned it with fire, they have cut it down; may they perish at the rebuke of Thy countenance! But let Thy Hand be upon the Man of Thy Right Hand, the Son of man for Thyself! Then we will never turn back from Thee; Give us life, and we will call upon Thy name. Restore us, YHVH of hosts! Let Thy face shine, that we may be saved!” Come!

Hillel (Ps.115-118):

Not to us, O L-rd, not to us, but to Thy Name give glory, for the sake of thy steadfast love and Thy faithfulness. Why should the nations say, "Where, now, is their G-d?" Our G-d is in the heavens, whatever He desires, He does. Their idols are of silver and gold, the work of man’s hands: they have a mouths, but cannot speak; they have eyes, but cannot see; they have ears, but cannot hear; they have a noses, but cannot smell; their hands cannot feel; their feet cannot walk; they can make no sound with their throat. Those that make them are like them.

O Israel, trust in the L-rd! He is their help and their shield. O House of Aaron, put your trust in the L-rd! He is their help and their shield. You who fear the L-rd, trust in the L-rd! He is their help and their shield.

The L-rd, mindful of us; He will bless us; He will bless the House of Israel; He will bless the House of Aaron; He will bless those who fear the L-rd, both small and great.

May the L-rd increase blessings upon you, upon you and upon your children. May the L-rd Who made heaven and earth bless you!

The heavens are the heavens of the L-rd, but the earth He gave to the sons of man. The dead do not praise G-d, nor do those that go down into the silence (Sheol). But we will bless the L-rd, from this time and forever more. Halleluiah! Praise G-d!

I love the L-rd, because He has heard my voice, my prayers. Because He inclined His ear to me, there I will call on his as long as I live. The snares of death encompassed me; the pans of Sheol laid hold on me; I suffered distress and anguish. Then I called on the name of the L-rd; “O L-rd I beseech Thee, saved My Life!”

Gracious is the L-rd, and righteous; our G-d is merciful. The L-rd preserves the simple; when I was brought low, He saved me. Return, O My soul, to your rest; for the L-rd has dealt bountifully with you.

For Thou hast delivered My soul from death, my eyes from tears, my feet from stumbling; I walk before the L-rd in the land of the living. I kept my faith, even when I said, “I am greatly afflicted”; I said in My consternation, “Men are all a vain hope.”

What shall I render to the L-rd for all His bounty to me? I will lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the L-rd, I will pay my vows to the L-rd in the presence of His people. Precious in the sight of the L-rd is the death of His saints. O L-rd, I am Thy servant; I am Thy servant, the son of Thy handmaid. Thou hast loosened My bonds. I will offer to Thee the sacrifice of thanksgiving and call on The Name of the L-rd. I will pay my vows to the L-rd in the presence of all Hs people, in the courts of the house of the L-rd, in your midst, O Jerusalem. Praise the L-rd!

Praise the L-rd, all nations! Extol Him, all peoples! For great is ? His steadfast love toward us; and the faithfulness of the L-rd endures forever and ever. Halleluiah Praise G-d.

O Give thanks to the L-rd, for He is good, for His kindness is everlasting. Let Israel say, “for His kindness is everlasting.” Let the House of Aaron say, “for His kindness is everlasting”. Let those who fear the L-rd say, “for His kindness is everlasting”.

Out of my distress I called on the L-rd; the L-rd answered me and set me free. With the L-rd on my side I do not fear. What can man do to me? The L-rd is on My side to help me I shall look in triumph on those who hate me. It is better to take refuge in the L-rd than to put confidence in man. It is better to take refuge in the L-rd than to put confidence in princes.

“All nations surround me; in the name of the L-rd I cut them off! They surround me, surrounded me on every side; in the name of the name L-rd I cut them off! They surrounded me like bees, they blaze like a fire of thorns; in the name of the L-rd I cut them off! I was pushed hard, so that I was falling, but the L-rd helped me. The L-rd is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation.

Hark, glad songs of victory in the tents of the righteous: “The right hand of the L-rd does valiantly!,” I shall not die, but I shall live, and recount the deeds of the L-rd The L-rd has chastened me sorely, but He has not given Me over to death.

I thank Thee that Thou hast answered me and hast become my salvation. The stone which the builders rejected has become the head of the corner. This is the L-rd’s doing; it is marvelous in our eyes. This is the day which the L-rd has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in it. Save us , we beseech Thee, O L-rd! O L-rd, we beseech Thee, give us success!

Blessed be He Who enters in The name of the L-rd! We bless You from the house of the L-rd The L-rd G-d and He has given us light. Bind the festal procession with branches, up to the horns of the altar!

Thou are My G-d, and I will give thanks to thee; Thou art my G-d, I will extol Thee.

O give thanks to the L-rd, for He is good, for His kindness is everlasting!

{After reciting the Hillel, we now recite the last blessing for the wine and drink the forth cup.}

Barukh Atah, Adonai Eloheinu Melekh Ha-olam, boray p’ree hagafen.

Blessed are You, L-rd our G-d, King of the Universe, Who created the fruit of the vine.


The remembrance of Pesach is now complete according to all that HaShem (YHVH), Blessed is He, has Commanded us, with all the ordinances and customs of this feast. As we have been deemed worthy to prepare it now, grant also that we may be willing to fulfill it. O Most Holy Who dwells on High, raise up Thy people the multitude as foretold to our father Av’raham. O Hasten to plant us the plants of Thy vineyard once more redeemed unto Zion with joyful singing. Come!

{If we have done all HaShem commanded us in keeping this feast then we follow this by saying (and/or) singing:}

L’shana Haba’ah B’Yerushala-yim!

Next year in Jerusalem!

L’shana Haba’ah B’Yerushala-yim Habb’nuyah Uv’yamaynu B’zo Hachadashah!

Next Year in Jerusalem built anew and in our day the New Jerusalem!


{You can also quote Rev.21.1-4 here to explain why as Christians we would still say this}

{Now we usually wake the kids (if the shouting above hasn’t already done this) and we sing Chad Gadya, a song of G-d’s creatures and the cruelty and lack of love each has, but within it is a message of deep Messianic significance. Also we only sang the first verse to save on loading time but each new verse the previous ones are also sung with the exact same tune followed by the refrain (Like old McDonald). The only challenge is fitting in each of new verse as the length grows but that's also half the fun.}

Chad Gadya

Refrain: Chad gadya Chad gadya, Chad gadya Chad gadya.

Verse one: D’zabin abba bit’ray zuzay.

Verse two: V’ata shunra v’achlah l’gad’ ya d’zabin abba bit’ray zuzay.

Verse three: V’ata chalba v’na shunra v’achlah l’gad’ ya d’zabin abba bit’ray zuzay.

Verse four: V’ata chutra v’hiccah l‘chalba v’na shunra v’achlah l’gad’ ya d’zabin abba bit’ray zuzay.

Verse five: V’ata nura v’saraf l’chutra v’hiccah l‘chalba v’na shunra v’achlah l’gad’ ya d’zabin abba bit’ray zuzay.

Verse six: V’ata maya v’chavah l’nura v’saraf l’chutra v’hiccah l‘chalba v’na shunra v’achlah l’gad’ ya d’zabin abba bit’ray zuzay.

Verse seven: V’ata tora v’shata l’maya v’chavah l’nura v’saraf l’chutra v’hiccah l‘chalba v’na shunra v’achlah l’gad’ ya d’zabin abba bit’ray zuzay.

Verse eight: V’ata hashochet v’shacat l’tora v’shata l’maya v’chavah l’nura v’saraf l’chutra v’hiccah l‘chalba v’na shunra v’achlah l’gad’ ya d’zabin abba bit’ray zuzay.

Verse nine: V’ata mal’ach hamavet v’shachat l’shochet d’shacat l’tora v’shata l’maya v’chavah l’nura v’saraf l’chutra v’hiccah l‘chalba v’na shunra v’achlah l’gad’ ya d’zabin abba bit’ray zuzay.

Verse ten: HaKadosh Barukh Hu, v’shachat l’mal’ach hamavet v’shachat l’shochet d’shacat l’tora v’shata l’maya v’chavah l’nura v’saraf l’chutra v’hiccah l‘chalba v’na shunra v’achlah l’gad’ ya d’zabin abba bit’ray zuzay.

Only One Kid: And the Holy One, Blessed is He, came and killed the Angle of Death that slew the slaughterer, Levitical priest, that slaughtered the ox ,sin sacrifice, that drank the water, Torah, that quenched the fire, Judgment, that burned the stick, shoot of the plant, that beat the dog Goyim the bit the cat that ate the kid that Father bought for two zuzim (prominent, 2104, events?)

One kid, one Pascal Sacrifice given twice which we learn of today. One which saved us from pharaoh and slavery and one that saved us from sin and death. These are the two acts of Prominence that Avinu bought through blood!

May the Name of the Omnipresent One be blessed and praised for all eternity. And say amen. May the Name of His Most righteous Son be forever glorified, extolled, and honored and lifted on high. And all say amen. May the Church He founded upon the seat of Peter stand with Him in Her finials days and glorify Him through her own faith and death to rise and return with Him as His bride when He comes again in Glory. And we all say amen.


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