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Yeshua's Light

Home Service

Home service:

We begin by lighting the candles, but the blessing changes a little from Shabbat-

Barukh Atah, Adonai El-heinu, Melekh Haolam asher kidshanu b’mitvotav v’tzivanu lehadlik ner shel (Shabbat v’shel) yom tov.

Blessed are You, HaShem, our G-d, King of the Universe who has sanctified us with His commandments and commanded us to kindle the lights of (Shabbat and of) the festival.

[*use when Shabat and Rosh Hashannah fall on the same day].

Then we ask for G-d’s blessing on the season (Shehekhyanu)

Barukh Atah, Adonai El-heinu, Melekh Haolam shehekhyanu v’kiyamanu v’higgyanu lazman hazen.

Blessed are You, HaShem our G-d, King of the Universe who has sustained us, kept us alive and allowed us to reach this season.

Then we do the blessings over the children (the same ones found in the Shabbat service “how” section) and then head off to the synangogue for service.

After we return from the service, we resume our festive meal at home. It usually includes tzimmies, challot. fish (head and all), honey cake, honey and apples. We say the kiddush, shehkheyanu, blessing of the washing of hands and the blessing over the challah. There is one difference compared to the Shabbat service, we do not sprinkle the bread with salt. We dip it in honey instead. We also add another blessing over the apple:

Barukh Atah, Adonai El-heinu, Melekh Haolam borei pri ha’eitz

Blessed are You HaShem our G-d, King of the Universe who creates the fruit of the tree.

And now we dip our apple in honey to represent a good sweet new year with hopes of a very fruitful year.

After this point we bless the remaining omens in no uncertain order:

For fengreek/carrots:

“Yehi Ratzon Mil’fa’necha, Adonei El-heinu Vei’l hai Avosainu she’yir’bu ze’chuyo’sainu.”

“May it be You Will, HaShem, Our G-d and the G-d of our fathers that our merits increase.”

For leek/cabbage:

“Yehi Ratzon Mil’fa’necha, Adonei El-heinu Vei’l hai Avosainu she’yakar’su son’ainu.”

“May it be You Will, HaShem, Our G-d and the G-d of our fathers, that our enemies be decimated.”

For beets:

“Yehi Ratzon Mil’fa’necha, Adonei El-heinu Vei’l hai Avosainu she’yistalku oy’vainu.“

“May it be You Will, HaShem, Our G-d and the G-d of our fathers, that our adversaries be removed.”

For dates:

“Yehi Ratzon Mil’fa’necha, Adonei El-heinu Vei’l hai Avosainu she’yitamu son’ainu.”

“May it be You Will, HaShem, Our G-d and the G-d of our fathers, that our enemies be consumed.”

For the gourd:

“Yehi Ratzon Mil’fa’necha, Adonei El-heinu Vei’l hai Avosainu she’yikora g’zar denain v’yikaru l’fanecha zechu’yosainu.”

“May it be You Will, HaShem, Our G-d and the G-d of our fathers, that the decree of our sentence be torn up and may our merits be proclaimed before you.”

For the Pomegranant:

“Yehi Ratzon Mil’fa’necha, Adonei El-heinu Vei’l hai Avosainu she’nir beh ze’chu’yos k’rimon.”

“May it be You Will, HaShem, Our G-d and the G-d of our fathers, that our merits increase like [the seeds of] a pomegranant.”

For the fish head or sheep head:

“Yehi Ratzon Mil’fa’necha, Adonei El-heinu Vei’l hai Avosainu she’nifreh v’nir’beh ki’dagim.”

“May it be You Will, HaShem, Our G-d and the G-d of our fathers, that we be fruitful and multiply like fish.”

After these blessings we eat a joyful meal remembering the words of Ezra to our people; “This day is holy to the L-rd your G-d; do not mourn or weep. . . Go your way, eat the fat and drink the sweet wine and send portions to him who has nothing prepared; for this day is holy to our L-rd; and do not be grieved, for the joy of the L-rd is your strength.”

We end our meal with the end of the meal prayer (see Shabbat “how”). In the morning we return to synagogue for a morning service followed by Tishlich service.

Copyright (c)1998
