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Yeshua's Light

The "How"

Candle lighting:

Mother or lead women lights the candles. Then she makes a circular motion over both candles three time and then covers her face as she says the following blessing(keep in mind that these motions are optional and that they maybe hard to say the blessing with your eyes covered if you were not raised in a Jewish home. Do them only if they serve to relax you. Amen.):

Baruch ata Ad-nai El-heinu Malech HaOlam asher kid'shanu bemitzvotav vitzivanu l'hadlik ner shel Shabbos

Blessed are You, HaShem Our G-d, King of the Universe, Who makes us holy with Your cammandments, calling us to kindle the Sabbath lights.


The father usually says these prayers as he places his hands over his children's heads. Often parents make special prayers for each child as well.

For the Boys:

Y'simcha El-him K'Ephrayim v'chi'M'nashe.

May G-d make you as Ephraim and Manasseh.

For the Girls: Y'simcha El-him K'Sara, Rivka, Reche, v'Leah.

May G-d make you as Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah.

With outstretched hands he says:

For both(the priestly blessing):

Y'varech ch'cha Ad-nai v'yish ma recha
Ya'er Ad-nai panav eylecha vichuneka
Yisa Ad-nai panav eylecha v'yasem l'cha Shalom.

May HaShem bless you and keep you,
May HaShem make His face to shine upon you and may He be gracious to you,
May Hashem show you favor, and may He grant you His Peace.

For the wife:

Eshet Chayil

a Women of valor.

At the end of the meal we say the End of the Meal Blessing required by Torah, Duet. 8.10:

Blessed are You, HaShem Our G-d, King of the Universe, Who in His goodness, grace, loving kindness, and mercy, nourish the whole world. He gives food to all flesh, for His loving kindness is everlasting. In His great goodness, we never lack for food, may we never lack for food for the sake of His great name. For He nourishes all and sustains all, He does good to all, and prepares food for all His creatures that He created. Blessed are You HaShem, Who provides food for all.


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