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Yeshua's Light

Torah Reading


By tradition of the sages, we are assigned each week certain readings within the Torah and Haftarah to gleen lessons, starting with the first Shabbos after the holiday of Simchat Torah (the feast day that follows Succos). Below we have some of these readings; and as time goes on we will plan to add our own Parshas and Haftarah exegeses based upon what we have learned in our own studies. These will include the insight from good teachers we find at, our local priest and most of all our L-rd and Savior.

Please note that these readings are only those for the regular Jewish year and not the leap year (where we get an added month). If time permits we will attempt to make a list for the leap year, but until then if you use this list during that time you would finish the Torah a little sooner.

Weekly Readings:

(These begin on the first Saturday after Simchat Torah)