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The Light of Jesus

The following is our understanding of the Catholic teaching regarding the Body and Blood from a Scriptural reference point. We do not seek to convert or even claim that our understanding is perfect, but rather we are only trying to show that our Church's doctrine has Biblical roots and not paganism as many claim. First our L-rd and Savior commanded us to do this:

"For I received from the L-rd what I also delivered to you, that the L-rd Jesus on the night He was betrayed took bread, and when He had given thanks, He broke it and said, 'This is my body which is for (some text say "broken for") you. Do this in remembrance of Me.' In the same way also the cup, after supper saying, 'This cup is the new covenant in My blood. Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me.' For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the L-rd's death until he comes." 1Cor.11.23-26

All Christian faiths celebrate the Body and Blood (Body and Blood) in some form or another, but there is a great contention as to its true meaning. The area of contention is in the doctrine of the transubstantiation, that is the doctrine that states the elements of the Body and Blood are actually converted into the Body and Blood of our L-rd, Jesus The Messiah- and not merely a symbolic representation of the L-rd's Supper though some also state that this should only be celebrated at Passover.

The journey to understanding this puzzle begins, not in the Passion we believe, but in chapter six of John's Gospel. This chapter is broken into two sections: the multiplication of the loaves and the Bread of Life Discourse. The former is found in all four of the Gospels while the latter is found in only John.


  1. The Multiplication of Loaves
  2. The Bread of Life Discourse
  3. Manna from Heaven
  4. Still on Consuming the Blood
  5. Passover or not Passover That Is The Question
  6. Seder means Order
  7. The "Sacrifice" of the Mass NEW!
  8. Church Fathers
  9. Aaron's Affliction

So this is our guess based on our understanding of Scripture and also how we reconciled the "apparent inconsistencies" we have been accused of having in our New Testament. Hopefully we have addressed scripturally all the complaints those of you have expressed so far on this site. We also apologize for its length, but we wanted to cover everything as thoroughly as possible so all would understand better our Church’s position. We look forward to any insight others can add to our own understanding and thank all ahead of time.


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