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Yeshua's Light

Shalom and welcome to Yeshua's Light (The Light of Jesus)! We hope you will find our site filled with inspiration for you as we try to bring greater enlightenment of understanding the truth for Believers in Jesus (Yeshua) the Messiah.

We are attempting to bring greater unity among the believing body of the G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (in Hebrew, the Elohim of Av'raham, Yitzak and Yaakov). We are aware that some have interests to share observances of our brethren in Judah, while others prefer to maintain their Catholic observances. For this reason we have separated our site into sections to accommodate each "flavor", just as the Gospel of Luke (Luke 5.36-39) gives the parable of old and new wines.

Please note that the statements and views of this site are based solely upon our interpretation and understanding of Scripture, Rabbinical writings, the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the revelations we receive from G-d. We welcome your comments and input to help us better enhance our ministry as we serve the L-rd and our Church.

New Wine - for those who desire the traditional ways of our Catholic faith; newly updated 9/04

Old Wine - for those who desire the Spiritual Torah in light of our faith in the Messiah.

Ecumenical - for those who desire a variety of the new and old. (newly updated 08/04)

The Ruth Project - for those who desire to help build greater unity of G-d's people by stepping forward to share our commonalities.

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