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The Ruth Project

The great city split into three parts, and the cities of the nations collapsed. God remembered Babylon the Great and gave her the cup filled with the wine of the fury of his wrath. Rev. 16.19

Since neither Jerusalem or the Vatican has been split into three parts, then it becomes evident that this hasn't happened. Yet, are we seeing any hints of this new Babylon rising in our world today? From our research and studies, we suspect the answer is yes; and we believe it is vital that we begin to establish close bonds of a relationship among those who believe in the G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. And as such followers, we are called to be witnesses to all the earth, to give testimony of our faith and show unity among all believers. But how can we do this with the differences in our beliefs?

We suspect the differences we hold are not as great as the commonalities we share; therefore we should emphasize these familiar beliefs to create a bridge and do so without any attempt to proselytize our neighbor who believes in the same G-d. Dialogue and mutual respect we believe is the first step, and this has been happening since Nostra Aetate. Following this, we also need to truly communicate and spend time with each other, which is the basis of any relationship; otherwise we grow no closer than we already have and it is evident that there is still room for greater growth.

Recently, Mel Gibson’s movie, The Passion, debuted, but not without much controversy. Through the many efforts of Christian and Jewish leaders, it appears that anti-Semitism is under some control, however we suspect it actually has taken on different forms so as not to be so apparent (please see The Rainbow Swastika). If this is true, then indeed Babylon can rise for it has been growing for some time. And if the Holocaust was any clue to what the future can hold, then it is imperative we establish our bonds soon.

In Scripture, we have found two wonderful examples in Ruth and Rahab to exemplify what we hope to accomplish in our time. Each of these women gave support to the Jewish people in different ways, yet their offerings were no less important than the other’s. And in return, the Jewish people accepted them openly. We hope their examples can become our lead in our time. With that thought, we ask you to prayerfully consider partaking in what we call The Ruth Project.

We have separated this idea into three groups:

We believe each portion of this project is as important as the other, the only difference is where the L-rd is calling you to be and that is why we request that you spend time in prayer to find His calling for you. Perhaps it will be among these two choices, but it could also be elsewhere, and that is fine for the Body has many parts and each are important when we work together as one.
