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Welcome to Ryan Gosling ... For You

Who is Ryan Gosling?

Ryan Gosling has an undeniable talent for
acting, singing, playing guitar
and just about everthing he puts his mind to.
However, he is most well known for his acting.

Just think . . . that cute little boy on
The Mickey Mouse Club has grown up in
front of our eyes into a
wonderfully, talented, gorgeous, humble young man.

He has a lot to offer as an actor.
He has been tested by challenging roles, multi-layered characteres
and has worked with the biggest names in the entertainment business.

> There is no doubt that ryan will soon
be one of (if not already) those biggest names.
He has a lot to offer for the future,
and we will be there to support him every step of the way.

( LA Times )


Ryan Gosling Links


Get to Know the Real Ryan

A Day in the life of Ryan Gosling

The Many Faces of Ryan Gosling

Ryan Gosling FanArt

Ryan Encounters

About the Creator of this Website

This is for Ryan:
Thank you Ryan for what you do and who you are.
You put yourself out there and you are greatly appreciated.
Whether it be from me or from all your fans who come here
We all wish you luck in everything
you do in your carrer.
To sum up everything I would
ever say is 2 words.... Thank you!

Counter reset on July 5th 2001

40,000 people have been here since July 5th 1998

If you would like to use pictures from this website please ask first,
being that some of the pictures shown are copyrited. :D