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Interesting stuff, huh? Yeah, that's me, the maker of this humble site. I FINALLY got a picture of me up! I look kind of scared, don't I? LOL!

Don't call me an obsessed fan. I really hate that! I'm not obsessed. There's a fine line between extreme enjoyment and obsession. I haven't crossed over yet! I just really, really, really, like Marilyn Manson, their music, and what they stand for. I admire them so much for the courage to stand out like they do. It certainly was a hard road to fame for them, but the payoff is fantastic! Anyway, enough about that... This is a "me" page and I suppose it should be about me. Here goes.

Okay... I'm 19, and I live in upstate NY, practically cut off from true civilization at times. (Thank goodness for phones and computers and cars is all I can say!) I love music. All types, really, ranging from soundtracks to electronica to hard core... My favorite bands are (of course) Marilyn Manson, Jamiroquai, Prodigy, Nine Inch Nails, Radiohead, Spacehog, and Orgy. Interests: Well, I would really love to pursue a career in the arts. I love to act and sing (Broadway, here I come!) and I really love to write. If you're reading this right now, I'm sure you have at least skimmed the Manson parody I wrote, "A Glam Star's Life!". I love to write stuff like that! I'm just hoping that one day it gets noticed, and maybe that skill will keep me with a roof over my head and with food on the table! I'm also an aspiring demonologist... I hope you all know that doesn't mean I conjure demons up... It's quite the opposite. Ever heard of Amityville? Ed and Lorraine Warren? Well, I'm too lazy to explain. Go look it up on the web. It will give you something to do. Oh, and did I mention that I fence? No, not the white kind in your yards! The sword fighting! Yeah, well that's pretty interesting! You've got to be "swift" to stay alive in that sport! Okay, fine. I'm exaggerating. You don't die. The most you get is a bruise or a welt. I had to make it sound macho, didn't I? Well, I recommend it to anyone... It's fun!

Hmmm... Are you bored yet? You should be! Well, anyway, to make a long story short... I decided to try my hand at web page building, and it's not as hard as I thought. Granted, the HTML is a bitch to understand at times, but hey. Life is as fake as a wedding cake. So in conclusion (God, how high school!) I hope you've enjoyed my site. If not, well... your loss! :o)


Over and Out

--Agent Swift
