Some Misc Thoughts
*****Here you go, afew stange and random things that have swept through my mind at one point or another. This may give you a really odd idea of who I am, But frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn. Peace, Love, and Rock'n'Roll-Me*****
* Taste isn't REALLY a matter of taste, it's more a matter of sanity.
* Life really isn't as much fun when you're sane.
* Wouldn't this world be a more interesting place if the meanings of "Fuck" and "Eggplant" were reversed ?
* If all is fair in love and war, and everything in life is, in the end, either love or war why is life unfair ?
* How much WAS that doggie in the window ?
* I am like a box of chocolates - BITE ME.
* Who invented the underwire bra, and why did they want to torture women ?
* What's the function of ones belly button ?
* Why are you still reading this crap ?
* Send me money.
* Lots of money.
* And pez.
* Lots of pez
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Email: alikeigh@aol.com