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Here our favorite lines from our fave characters. At least my fave lines...if you have one that you like a lot..and I didn't pick it...e-mail me with it and I'll make sure it is there.

Buffy Lines

Loves makes you do the wacky.

Buffy- I wish we could be regular kids.
Angel- I'll never be a kid.
Buffy- Okay then. A regular kid, and her cradle-robbing, creature-of-the-night boyfriend.

I've had it. Spike is going down. You can attack me, you can send assassions after me...that's fine. But nobody messes with my boyfriend.

I don't want any trouble. I just wanna be alone, and quiet in a room with a chair and a fireplace and a tea cozy. I don't even know what a tea cozy is, but I want one. Instead, I keep getting trouble, which I am more than willing to share.

Wait- don't turn out and don't say anything. Just listen. And that's your thing, right? There's something going on. I mean, this whole entire story is probably gonna convince you that I'm looney bin material, but there's nobody else that I can talk to. Not Willow and not Giles. Nobody. If they found out, they'd freak on me or they'd do something. And I need help. I just need to talk to someone. I'm so scared.


Angel Lines

Good dogs, don't bite.

to Buffy - 'Danced with' is a pretty lose term. 'Mated with' might be a little closer.

Kiss me.

I'll be back. I will.

I'm not afraid, show me. Show me your world.

I wanna help her. I want... I want to become someone.

His name is Angel.....

Angel- Are you still me girl?
Buffy- Always

She's cuter when she's kicking your ass.

Angelus Lines

Things are about to get very interesting.

I guess I really did drive you crazy.

Don't worry though, soon it will stop...Soon it will scream.

to Giles - I wanna torture you. I used to love it, and it's been a long time. I mean the last time I tortured somebody, they didn't even have chainsaws.


Willow Lines

I don't get wild. Wild on me equals spaz.

Other World Willow

Bored now. This is the part that's less fun...when there isn't any screaming.

Xander Lines

Okay, this is were I have a problem. See, because we're talking about vampires. We're having a talk with vampires in it.

I laugh at the face of danger. Then I hide until it goes away.

I'm 17. Looking at linoleum makes me wanna have sex.

Cordelia Lines

I don't think anyone should have to do anthing educational in school if they don't want to.

I'm never going to know if it's real between me and Xander, or if it's just...some temporary insanity that made me think...I loved him.

Oz Lines

I'm shot. Wow. It's...odd. And painful.

Hey, did everybody see that guy just turn to dust.

Giles Lines

A vampire in love with a Slayer. It's rather poetic, in a maudlin sort a way.

'Do you like my mask? Isn't it pretty? It raises the dead.' Americans.

Well, then let's do something. Let's find the demon, and, and...kick the crap out of it.

Buffy- I'm taking an awful lot of faith here Jeebs.
Giles- Giles.
Buffy- Kill the bad fairy, destroy the bad fairy's power center, whatever. And all the troubles go away?
Giles- I'm sure it's not that simple, but...
Buffy- The world is what it is we fight, we die. Wishing doesn't change that.
Giles- I have to believe in a better world.
Buffy- Go ahead. I have to live in this one.

Spike Lines

I was actually at Woodstock. That was a weird gig. I fed off a flowerperson, and spent the next six hours watchin' my hand move.

to Buffy and Angel - You're not friends. You'll never be friends. You'll be in love til it kills you both. You'll fight, and you'll shag, and you'll hate each other till it makes you quiver, but you'll never be friends. Love isn't brains children, it's blood. Blood screaming inside you to work it's will. I may be love's bitch, but at least I'm man enough to admit it.

Drusilla Lines

to Angel - You've been a very bad daddy.

Psst. We're going to destroy the world. Wanna come?

Whistler Lines
