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Win Awards

Name: Angel's Passion Award
What For: For Site
Buffy Cast Angel Cast
Angel and Buffy
Willow and Oz
Anya and Xander
Willow and Tara
Buffy and Spike
Riley and Buffy
Willow and Xander
Spike and Dru
Cordy and Doyle

Name: Angel's Forever Passion Award***
What for: For Site
Design: Buffy and Angel Montage

Name: It's Never Over Award***
What for: Best Buffy and Angel Site
Design: View

Name: Angst Award
What for:For FanFiction
Design: View

Name: Denial Award
What For: For FanFiction
Design: View

Name: I Will Remember You Award***
What for: For FanFiction
Design: View

How do you win the above awards???

Well that is easy...

For the site awards: 1. Your site has be Angel/Buffy(the shows that is) related...
2. Can be a tribute to any character...alive, undead, or deceased...or Joss..
3. Must be nudity.....etc.
4. Can have any thing from pics to quotes.....
I think you know what I mean...Something BUFFY
5. If there is a *** next to the title of the Award you can not apply for it.

For the Fan Fiction awards: 1. Your story/poem has to be Angel/Buffy (the shows that is) related...
2. Can be a tribute to any character...alive, undead, or deceased...or Joss..
3. Must be clean, I won't awarded anything that is submitted with a NC-17 rating.
4. You must include Your name, Author, and a rating.
5. If there is a *** next to the title of the Award you can not apply for it.
6. Must be in perpared HTML format.

How do you get the award...two ways

1. I could see a site I really like and send it to them..or..

2. Fill out the below form...

Win An Award

What's Your Name?

Your Page Name? or Name of Story?

E-mail Address?

Page URL? or Story Url?

Which Award would you like?

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