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Good Luck

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1) "You know, there quite a few American beers
that are highly underrated.
This unfortunately is not one of them."

2) "Unworthy. He let you go.
But the embrace... his bite... you remember."

3) "Wow. That was gross."

4) "Oh, yeah. I've got my own gang now."

5) "Uh, uh, we just need to light the candles.
Also, we should continue to pretend we
heard none of the disturbing sex talk."

6) "Listen to us! We-we're arguing!
We're having a debate about a college lecture!
I have dreamt of this day since... forever!
You are turning into quite the student.
Should I be watching my occipital lobe?"

7) "Sometimes I think about two women doing a spell...
and then I do a spell by myself."

8) "Not a man among us can remember."

9) "Didn't Joyce tell you?
I already kicked that ass."

10) "We have to see the chimp playing hockey!
That's hilarious! The ice is so slippery,
and, and monkeys are all irrational. We have to see this."

11) "I've gotta say something...
'Cause ... I don't think I've made it clear.
I'm in love with you.
Powerfully, painfully in love.
The things you do... the way you think... the way you move...
I get excited every time
I'm about to see you. You make me feel like
I've never felt before in my life. Like a man.
I just thought you might wanna know."

12) "You're so rude! I mean, sure, at first,
ex-demon, doesn't know the rules.
Well, you been here forever. Learn the rules."

13) "I'm fairly certain I said no interruptions."

14) "Just don't break anything.
And don't make a lot of noise. Passions is coming on."

15) "The key. Why else do you think I'd come here?
See, I think you know where it is.
And that's a good thing."