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This page is dedicated to all the people out their who have supported me,
while I have been maintaining and creating Passion of the Angel.
At times I thought, damn, this just sucks, and at other times,
I was just so happy to know that people enjoyed the page that I have building.

I would like to thank Joss....
You know who he is, if you don't, then you really aren't a Buffy and Angel fan.
Thank you for wonderful characters and stories, that we enjoy viewing week after week.
And thank you to the actors, like Sarah Michelle Gellar, David Boreanaz, and Seth Green,
and the rest of the cast, that have brought the characters to life week in and week out.

Thanks you to Angelsgrl, for my original buttons, for banners, pics,
and awards, plus much more, that she did for me when I first started my page.

Thanks to my "sis," for being there and looking at all the stuff I did,
before I even linked it to my site for the rest to view.

Thanks to Squishy, IrishAngel, Junglist, and others,
that have supported my page, and boosted my ego,
by saying how good it is:-)!!!

I would also like to thank Shadowdhrt.
THANK YOU for the pleasure and honor of displaying your poems on my site.
They are amazing, from an amazing person.
Thanks sooooooo much for EVERYTHING!