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There are so many reasons why I beleive in Angels, besides my own personal experiences. We live in such a fast past, self indulgent world and most of us are trying so hard to accomplish tomorrow that we can't see what we did today.

I, like most people, work very hard for what I have and I have a 2yr old and a husband who both, on occasiion can drive me nuts, lol. Sure life is not pefect, I mean I don't have a fancy car, I don't live in a huge house, I don't have four closets full of evening wear and I don't have caviar in my cubbard. But I do have what some people that have all of the above don't,,I have a wonderful husband, a precious daughter, a happy family, my health, a good job and great friends. Of course there are times when I feel like that is not enough and I feel like life is just "not fair",,after all I am human. But if there is one thing I have learned time and time again, I always have an Angel with me and no matter how bad or how sad life is at any given moment, my Guardian Angel always shows me the way.

We all have Guardian Angels with us at all times. Our Angels can come and go in many ways. That inner voice that tells you to be careful or to go for it or that stranger that helped you when you were down and out. I believe in Angels, Do you?

I have had so many "experiences " that I would be crazy not to believe in Angels. About 5 or 6 yrs ago I was very sick, I had Broncchial Asthmatic Phnemonia, I was in bed for about 2 weeks, one night I woke up and I could not breathe, my inhaler that the doctor gave me was not helping. My mom was scared and wanted me to go to the doctor or hospital but I refused and sent her back to bed saying I was fine. But in my heart I knew I was'nt. I went into my room and sat up against my pillows and tried to calm myself down and breathe, I close my eyes and I relaxed. As the minutes went by I started to feel light headed and weak, with my eyes shut I saw all white, I was so relaxed and I felt almost as if I was floating,,at that point I saw 4 people 3 men and 1 woman, all in which I did not know, they were wearing white robes,,like dr.'s robes and they were standing next to each other and were walking closer to me. But one by one they slowly started to disappear and as they left I could feel my body get weaker and weaker and at that instant, I knew I was dying. Then out of no where a man asked me a question, but I did not hear a voice or hear with my ears, I heard it in my heart ,,He said " Do you want to die?" and I internally said yes,,then he said "Would you have any regrets?" and tears flowed out of my eyes as I said Yes, that I did'nt get to have any children. I don't remember what happened next but I woke up the next morning almost 100% better.

Now people call that a Near Death Experience, and that may very well be the case, but it does'nt really matter to me because that was my second chance at life. Not that I was an awefull person or anything but it gave me the chance to realize just how important my life was and that there is a reason why I am here. That is why my daughter is my "Little Angel".

I also appreciate my parents and loved ones alot more than I did before, which is why I feel that you can have all the money, cars and riches in the world but there is nothing more important than your family.



