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You guys are the best....I don't know what I'd do without you in my lives. I Love you all :)

Steph: I am not smiling....:) :)!!! And one more comment about POLAND and you're not coming to my wedding...I'll prove you wrong!!!! =)!
I've broken my streak...finally. Although I still can't get rid of them, but I guess that's okay. :)

Lindsey: Well screw the blue guy cuz here comes the
<----GREEN GUY!!!
Size 9 Shoebox for a Size 9 Shoe. The Grapes are on the raft!!! Mini Kitties!!!!
This is some old stuff on here, but they're good memories. :) Oh and no more piercings.....please :)

Mike: "As we go on, we remember, all the times we, had together, and as our lives change, come whatever, we will still be, friends forever" ~Vitamin C
I put this quote on here a long time ago when we weren't speaking. I knew that wouldn't last and I'm glad because you are a very important part of my life. I LOVE YOU!!! :)
To keep this updated we aren't speaking once again....typical I know. The above still applies tho...even though you piss me off. :)
Now we're spealking again and I'm glad.
"A part of you has grown in me and so, you see, you and me together forever. Never apart. Maybe in distance, but never in heart."
Good luck at Skidmore in the fall. To quote from your yearbook in 10th grade. I believe in you. I love you!!!

Kristina G: I think I'm gonna wear glasses and sunglasses on my head. LOL
Congratulations on graduating!!

Jenelle: These are really old but.....Veal and Lasgana. Somehow food always gets brought into everything. CONTRADICTION!!! Wow...memories.

Kristina P:It's was rough recently, but we made it. :)

Ed: I don't know what to say. We've been through a lot and we're still friends. That says a lot about us. I'm glad we're friends :).


Group ShoutOuts

Steph and Rach: Little Devilsforever. I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!

Steph, Rach and Lindsey: ELENOR!!!!

The Regulars: I'm proud to be a regular with you guys.

Steph, Rach and Kristina: The duck flies at midnight...aka Operation we are sh*theads :) LOL. (4/9/01)

Inside Jokes

Dave Thomas: Founder of Wendy's

Operation: We Are Sh*theads :)

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