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Love Quotes 2

  • "Love hurts when you know you've hurt the person that means the world to you."

  • "Every man is afraid of something. That's how you know he loves you...when he's afraid of losing you."

  • "If I had never met you, I wouldn't like you. If I didn't like you, I wouldn't love you. If I didn't love you, I wouldn't miss you. But I did, I do and I will."

  • "Nothing lasts forever, not the mountains nor the sea, but the times we had together will always be with me."

  • "You can't hurt someone unless you really mean something to them."

  • "The happiest part of my body is my heart, because it always thinks of you."

  • "Good-bye's make you think. They make you realize what you've had and what you've lost, and what you've taken for granted."

  • "I believed you when you said you loved me because we were closer than friends, but you said you'd love me for forever and forever never ends."

  • "Me? I'm scared of everything. I'm scared of what I saw, of what I did, of who I am, but most of all I'm scared of walking out of this room and never feeling the rest of my life the way I feel when I'm with you." ~Baby (Dirty Dancing)

  • "Are you afraid no one loves you? Because my mommy says that people really do love each other, they just get confused sometimes and forget how to let each other know."

  • "Why I love you is a hard question to answer. I love you because you care for me like no one else I know. I love the way I feel in your arms, so safe from all the dangers in the world. I love your eyes, so hypnotic and mesmerizing, beautiful to gaze into, and yet never revealing everything to me. I can't explain every way that I love you because that's impossible. But I can say that I love you because you are you."

  • "You know you're in love when you can say anything to the person and you know they won't laugh at you. When you can see their face when you close your eyes. When you can still feel their arms around you holding you tight long after they are gone. When you can still taste their kiss after you have said good-bye. You can tell you're in love when you miss them before they are gone. When their voice lingers in your ears. When their presence eases any pain. When their name sends chills down your spine. When they are the only thing you can think about. You know you're in love when you can see all their hopes and dreams and their soul when you look into their eyes. When they call you at four in the morning and say, "I love you" and mean it. When your tears stain not only their shirt, but also their heart. When they are hurt just because of these tears. When even a simple chore done with them can become a lasting memory. Ultimately, you know you're in love when you can't imagine living without them, and can't figure, how did you live before you knew them. When they fulfill every need and without them you are incomplete. The love of someone else completes the heart, and soul, and mind all at once."

  • "It's like that just before dark, jump in the car, buyin' ice cream and seeing how far we can drive before it melts, kind of feeling. Cow in the road, swerve to the left...heart skips a beat and it scares you to death and we laugh until you cry. That's how your love makes me feel inside." ~Diamond Rio

  • "The sound of a kiss is not nearly so loud as a cannon, but its echo lasts a great deal longer." ~Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.

  • "I love you because I can't remember what life was like before I had you."

  • "Love can be as beautiful as the beauty of a rose- but sometimes as painfull as the thorns attached."

  • "At least be there to wipe my tears if you're going to make me cry."

  • "Between the distance that I fear, and the heartache of you not being here, our love is strong enough to make it through - because there is only enough space in my heart for one, and I'm giving that space to you."

  • "I can't believe I just gave up - I just let you drop our of my life. I tried to make you stay, then one day it just got too hard and I saw that what you really wanted was a life without me. So I gave up - and now you're really gone. I wish I could make you come back - but tears, wishes, and reminicing do nothing but make my heart break a little more."

  • "Love, is when you look into someone's eyes...and suddenly you go all the way inside, to their soul, and you both know...instantly."

  • "The smile on your face lets me know that you need me, there's a truth in your heart that says you'll never leave me, and the touch of your hand says you'll catch me whenever I fall." ~Allison Krauss

  • "Every minute with you feels like a second of heaven, but every second you're not here feels like an eternity of pain."

  • Three things in life should never be broken...Toys, promises, and hearts."

  • "We came together underneath the stars above, what started out as liking soon turned into love. I sensed a certain something, that in my heart was true, I knew I waited all my life to fall in love with you."

  • "It's weird how if one little detail had been different...I may not have you right now...and that just scares me, it's like a near death experience."

  • *Everythings ok in the end, if it's not ok it's not the end.:o)*

  • ~*One of these days you'll tell me why we went from best friends and more to nothing in a matter of two weeks. And that's what keeps me going, that one day I'll get to hear your perfectly reasonable explanation for breaking my heart*~

  • *I heard that you aren't mad at me, we just don't talk. Everyone says, we've just went our separate ways. All I can say to that is, I hope our separate ways intersect again one day*

  • "You cannot discover new oceans unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore."
    ~Tim Hansel~

  • **The hardest part about moving foward is not looking back**

  • **Why is it that I tell myself, "I don't care who your with" but everytime your with someone new, I get mad and jealous**

  • "Moving on is simple.
    It's what we leave behind that's hard."

  • ~*I'm not sorry for loving you at all. Because you inspire me, you teach me, you give me hope and a dream. But with all that, you'd think you'd love me by now*~

  • ~*As much as I love you, one day- I want you to go through the pain I've been through with you. But yet, as much as I wish you could somehow feel how much I'm hurting I don't know if I could bare to see you in pain*~

  • ~*Sometimes the tears just flow so endlessly from my eyes, and you are the only one who could stop them*~

  • ~*When I saw you today, I just started crying. Right in the middle of the room, tears welled up. I really don't know why I love you, and that's the hard part- because I know it's my heart speaking, not my mind*~

  • *I can hold on a little tighter I know, but when you love someone you gotta let them go. So I'm gonna smile cuz' I want to make you happy, laugh so you can't see me cry. I'm gonna let you go in style, and even if it kills me... I'm gonna smile! :o)*

  • "Sometimes I wonder what you think of me.. or if you do at all"

  • "Just because something ends, doesn't mean it never should have been"

  • "How is it you make me feel this way?? You're the only person that can make me cry and break my heart, but at the same time you're the only person that I would do anything for because I love matter what"

  • "In love there’s no simple fix. Sometimes you have to just hang on... and lead with your heart"

  • "Yeah, you were the guy who mended my broken heart, glued the pieces back together. And then, the very next day, you took my pretty mended heart and smashed it on the ground, saying that you were'nt sure what you wanted right now. Well I don't know what you want right now, but I want someone who will mend my heart once more, and never break it again, because the breaking hurts so much"

  • Smile though your heart is aching
    Smile even though it's breaking
    when there are clouds in the sky
    You'll get by
    If you smile through your tears and sorrow
    Smile and maybe tomorrow
    You'll see the sun come shinning through
    For you, Light up your face with gladness
    Hide every trace of sadness
    Although a tear maybe ever so near
    Thats the time you must keep on trying
    Smile, whats the use of crying
    you'll find that life is still worth while

  • -"So tell me, Exactly when did things end between us?...tell me when did we go from best friends to more to nothing at all?...if I knew it was gonna be like this...I would of kept you as my best friend instead of losing everything..."
    -Allison Mosher

  • -"You say you just want to be friends....but how come you can't look me in the face when you talk to me?"
    -Allison Mosher

  • -"Being just friends with you is hard but I couldnt imagine if I didn't have you in my life at all"

  • "Your so damn scared, so scared of being committed to me, why? Because if you get commited you might actually find yourself falling in love."
    -Allison Mosher

  • "Everynight I replay everything you did and said and then I wonder.....are you doing the same thing??"
    -Allison Mosher