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All About Me

Hi this page is all about me as you can probably already tell from the title.(If you aren't a blond that is. No offense to all blonds.) First of all my name is Christina and I'm 19. I am a graduate of Mohonasen High School (Class of 2001) in Rotterdam.(that's in NY. A very dinky little town.) I'm now a freshman at Union College and majoring in biology. I have 2 cats: Snowball and Puma. Snowball is white(which is kinda obvious)and Puma is gray, brown and white. (They are so cute)

I like the XFiles and watching the NY Yankees on TV or in person.(I think DEREK JETER RULES as you can tell from my other page). I'm an only child(I know I'm so lucky. I always hear that.) I like all types of music. My favorite songs at the moment are ~*Grey Street*~ by Dave Matthews, ~*Somewhere Out There*~ by Our Lady Peace and ~*When You Say Nothing At All*~ Notting Hill Soundtrack. Well that's about all for now. I'll be updating soon so come back often.

This is a little survey one of my friends made up.

Name: Christina
Why you were named that: Ask my Dad, he named me
Birthday: April 9th
Birthstone: Diamond
Anyone you know share your birthday, if so who: yup.....Mrs. Pauley


Favorite Day of the Week: Saturday
Favorite Day of the Year: 1st day of more snow!!!!
Favorite Athletic Team: New York Yankees
Favorite Celebrity: David Duchovny, Richard Gere
Favorite Season: Spring
Favorite State: Maine
Favorite Fancy Restaurant: Carmines
Favorite Fashion Designer: None
Favorite City Within an Hours Drive: There are no good cities around here
Favorite Artist: Don't have one
Favorite Teacher: Mrs. Carrese or Mrs. Constantino or Mr Barr


Movie you ever watched from start to finish: Dr. Dolittle
Color: Brown
Book: Heart of Darkness is right up there w/ Return of the Native
Muscian that is considered popular: Marilyn Manson
Sport to watch: Hockey and Golf
Sport to play: golf.....real golf....not mini golf is the best
Type of Weather: SNOW!!!!


Went to Confession? Never....I'm not Catholic
Had a Nightmare? can't remember
Cried?Sometime in February prolly
Threw Up? After I ate a whole roll of Cherry Lifesavers...never do that
Read for the Sake of Reading? I'd have to say sometime in MS, before they started with all this reading for school
Did Something Illegal? well just today..I was speeding and I went over a solid white line to pass someone....other than that.....underage drinking, but that's in my own home, so I don't know if that's really illegal.
Lied? Way to often
Made a Snowman? At least 5 years ago...maybe more
Went to Rock and Bowl? March w/ Nick
Played Candyland? well if it was up to my mom it would've been today, but prolly last year. Sad....I know
Ate Pop Rocks? Actually...never


Save your pogs? nope...never started collecting them
Have a happy childhood? I think so
Have a dream last night? yes
Remember it this morning? yes...and it wasn't a good one was rather sad
Eat breakfast today? yup...eggs and bacon


Who Killed JFK?? Well I could say Lee Harvey Oswald or I could go with the theory on the XFiles and say Cancer Man.
Are there Angels?? yes
Are there Ghosts?? After talking to Mel....YES
Are there Aliens?? I watch the XFiles don't I?
Creation Story or Evolution?? can have both, but I'd say evolution
Bigger influence: Society or Genetics?? I'd have to say it's a combination of both. Society definitly has a great influence on a person and they grow up, but I believe that you are born with some instincts that also contribute to who you are.
Will we see a cure for AIDS in our lifetime?? yes, because they already know how people can become immune to AIDS...they just need to test a vaccine.
Was OJ guilty or innocent?? Guilty
Why did the Columbine incident happen?? I think Columbine happened because of the way people treat eachother today. People don't have respect for their peers, which makes their peers feel outcast and unloved. They don't know how to react to those feelings so they just go around and shoot people. If we taught people how to respect others and how to share their feelings the need for violence would go away.
Where is Jimmy Hoffa buried?? Should I know this? Cuz I have no freaking clue.
Was the 2000 Presidential Election fixed?? I don't really know.....and we'll never find out so it doesn't really matter.
Will we be alive for World War 3?? I hope not, but with all the violence in our world today....prolly.

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