Here you will find rare and exquisite pieces of art, antiquities and coins primarily of interest to private collectors.

Several typical examples are depicted below:

(Select image for larger picture)

A Bronze Figure of the Goddes Sekhmet Thebes XVIIIth Dynasty, Reign of Amenhotep II (1390 - 1353) B.C.
Standing on a rectangular base with her arms at her sides, and wearing a long close- fitting dress, wig striated behind, pleated collar, and sun disk with URAEUS. Her powerfully carved head features finely engraved. SEKHMET was the divine consort of PHAH, chief god of MENPHIS in lower EGYPT. She later came to be identified with the goddess MUT, who was similarly the consort of the chief god of THEBES, in upper EGYPT, AMUN. Goddess of war and protector of the KING, which adorned the courts and passageways of the great temple AMENHOTEP III, built in honor of the goddess MUT at THEBES.

Egyptian Large and Important Bronze of Isis with Horus XXVI Dynasty (664 - 342)B.C.
The goddess seated with her feet resting on a high footstool and holding her child HORUS in her lap. She is wearing a long close-fitting dress, broad collar, striated tripartite wig, and vulture headdress surmonted by a diadem of URAEI with sun-disk and cow horns. The footstool is engraved in front with an inscription translating "PEDI ANHUA, SON OF..."

Man With The Broken Nose (Petit Tete de l'Homme au Nez Cassee) - 1906
Signed and dated at the base of the neck A. RODIN, 1906. Bronze with a brown patina 5in (13.5cm) high excluding base. Conceived circa 1880-82 and cast at a later date.

Tetradrachm of Antiochus III
This silver coin is from Seleukid Syria where the rule of Antiochus III extended from 223-187 BC. Called 'The Great', he was a son of Seleukos II and an energetic military leader. The obverse shows his head facing right while the reverse depicts Apollo seated, facing left (S6934). The coin is graded F+ and is nicely centered with a slightly mottled grey tone over the smoothed surfaces. Some traces of porosity remain and features a little soft.

Stater of Metapontum
This silver coin from Metapontum, in Italy, dates from 330-300 BC and is AVF and centered. The obverse shows the head of Demeter (the goddess of grain and agriculture) facing right while the reverse depicts a grain ear with cup (as S416). There is some strike weakness and obverse granularity. Still, an attractive portrait of refined style.

Here are several pages of coin pics sent to me to be identified.

Contact me about coins at danscoins@negia.net

If you are interested in rare pieces of art or egyptian antiquities please e-mail to antiquities124@hotmail.com

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