These are my heavy weight ACs. They're mostly slow but powerful. The weapons used here are optional. The optional parts are the optimum configuration for that specific core.
Head: Core: Arms: Legs: Generator: FCS: Boosters: Back Weapon Left: Back Weapon Right: Arm Weapon Left: Arm Weapon Right: |
HD-ONE XCL-01 AN-K1 LC-M0S4545 GBG-XR QX-9009 N/A WM-L201 WM-L201 LS-99-MOONLIGHT WG-B2180 |
AP: Weight: Price: Over-all: Grade: |
8960 8948 932300 30,624 Super Fine |
Comments: The AC with one of the highest performance ratings. This is a slow but powerful monster. With the auto missile launcher this behemoth of an AC could take out anything. Use this config in only the most desperate of situations. |
Head: Core: Arms: Legs: Generator: FCS: Boosters: Back Weapon Left: Back Weapon Right: Arm Weapon Left: Arm Weapon Right: |
HD-ONE XCL-01 AN-25 LFH-X5X GBG-XR QX-9009 B-VR-33 WM-L201 WC-CN35 LS-99-MOONLIGHT WG-XP2000 |
AP: Weight: Price: Over-all: Grade: |
8334 7539 955350 23716 Excellent |
Comments: A heavy but fast, four legged AC. It's great for fast open area combat. |
Head: Core: Arms: Legs: Generator: FCS: Boosters: Back Weapon Left: Back Weapon Right: Arm Weapon Left: Arm Weapon Right: |
AP: Weight: Price: Over-all: Grade: |
9999 10707 741000 21895 Excellent |
Comments: This AC has the highest AP possible. It's very heavy and slow but it has some fire power and defensive capabilities. Not really an AC you would use in a mission. Maybe in the AC Battles but that's about it. This AC is really for Versus or Link modes. |