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Words to Justify History of Privilige and Terror

Declaration of an Orangeman.

I, A.B., do so solemnly and voluntarily declare, that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to His Majesty the King; and that I will to the utmost of my power support and maintain the laws and constitution of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, as established by William the Third of glorious memory, and the succession to the throne in his Majesty's illustrious House, being Protestant.

I do declare that I am not, nor ever was, a Roman-Catholic or Papist; that I was not, am not, or ever will be, a member of the society called "United Irishmen" , nor any other society or body of men, who are enemies to his Majesty, or the glorious constitution of these realms; and that I never took the oath to that or any other treasonable society.

General Rules
1. The Orange Institution consists of an unlimited number of brethren, whose admission is not regulated by any other test than those of their religion, character and principles.

2. No person who at any time has been a Roman-catholic can be admitted into the institution, except by special application to the grand lodge, or grand committee, accompanied by certificates and testimonials, transmitted through the grand secretary of his county, which shall be so perfectly satisfactory as to produce an unanimous vote on the occasion.

GOLI Office Holders Grand Master: Robert S. Saulters Deputy Grand Master Deputy Assistant Grand Masters Alfred E. Lee J.P. John McCrea J.P. Rodney Stewart Grand Chaplains: Rev Edwin Colvin Rev. John Brown MA, BD. Rev Canon Dr. S. Ernest Long Mth, J.P Rt. Rev D.W. Heavener MA Rev Dr. Victor Ryan BA Rev Gerald N. Sproule Grand Secretary: Denis J. Watson J.P. MLIA, MIMgt Grand Treasurer: Mervyn Bishop Executive Officer: George Patton B.A. Grand Lecturer: John Curry Past Grand Masters of Ireland: Rev. W. Martin Smyth, B.A., B.D., M.P. John Bryans, J.P. Capt. Sir George Clark, Bart., D.L. Rt. Hon. Sir William McCleery, D.L., M.P. Rt. Hon. J.M. Andrews, C.H., D.L. Rt. Hon. Senator Sir Joseph Davison,D.L,. J.P. Rt. Hon. Sir Edward M. Archdale,Bart.D.L., M.P. Rt. Hon Sir James H. Stronge, Bart., D.L. Rt. Hon. The Earl of Enniskillen, D.L.