My Friends

Oh yeah, these people are definatly my friends. Uh huh. Actually, the Marty one might be considered a friend. Um right. Well, maybe I should just move on, cuz I'm not making any sense.


Kelsey... Kelsey's my best friend. Sometimes... Except when she threatens to tell Pat that I like him (even though he already knows, but that's not the point) and when she swears at me and calls me a b***h and kicks me and hurts me... Okay, maybe she's not such a great best friend. But she still is, because Kelsey understands me and yeah. But even thought Kelsey's so very nice, she's still my best friend.


Ainsley... Ainsley's the girl who plays Marty. She's a pretty good friend, but I only know her through Grease. She's the one that got Pat to dance with me. (I so owe her.) All say "Yay Ainsley!" Yell it at your monitor, come on, I can hear you. Very good.


Lynn is one of the two of my friends who aren't in Grease. Lynn stays for lunch. Very good thing. She used to stalk *** with me. Me and her, we somehow magically disappear from our other friends and wander. (We somehow find *** in our wanderings, I wonder how?)


Tara is a friend who's in my home ec. class and in Grease with me. She somehow manages to go home for lunch though. I think she can't handle that much time around the pyshcotic person that is Erin. Still, she sees me everyday for a few hours after school.


Emily is the other friend who isn't in Grease. Emily in my friend who wanders up and down the halls with me at morning and at lunch. I swear, by the end of the year there will be grooves in that hall from us pacing. AND the pacing path somehow convenitally goes past ***'s homeroom. All my friend's will know who I'm talking about. (Blonde? Grade 8? Stalkee? The only guy I WANTED to dance with?)


Katie. Katie is the one who's webpage you have to go to. Yes. Katie is in Grease and home ec with me too. Katie is not scared of me though. Come to think of it... Tara's not really scared of me either. A-oh. Now I have to change her profile. Nooooooo!


Jill is another Grease friend. I don't have any classes with her and I never see her at lunch, but we're still friends. It's weird how you get to be friends with people. Tara, Jill and Katie, I got to be better friends with all of them because of Grease. And Aisley too.

Laura L. NEW!!!!

Laura is one of my best friends. She's not in either of my options, but she's in my homeroom. Laura's my locker partner. I used to be locker partners with Jaryn but I switched. Laura used to be my pacing partner, but I don't really pace anymore. Besides, Laura's on crutchs right now, so pacing isn't really that great of an idea. Laura enjoys embarressing Erin in front of Pat/*** but, maybe one day it will come to good.

Jen NEW!!!!

Jen's another one of my good friends. She's in French with me and she's in my homeroom. Jen was in the stage crew of Grease. Jen is one of my few homeroom friends who doesn't try to embarress me in front of Pat/***. Thanks Jen!!

Jaryn NEW!!!!

Jaryn's not in any of my options, but she is in my homeroom. Me and Jaryn have been in the same class ever since she moved here in Grade 4. Jaryn used to be my locker partner, but I switched with Jen because me and Jaryn weren't getting along with the locker thing. Jaryn was also on the stage crew of Grease. Jaryn likes *embarressing* me, like Laura, but that's okay. It was Jaryn who told Pat/*** that I wrote the note.

Laura R. NEW!!!!

Laura's one of my two very best friends of all. Laura and I have been friends ever since I first moved here in Grade 3. Laura used to live next door to me, but she moved in Grade 5 (for me). Laura is a year older than me and she's the Laura in the birthday picture.

Katie L. NEW!!!!

Katie's my other very best friend of all. Katie and I have also been friends since Grade 3. Katie just lives a couple of houses down from me. Katie's a year older than me and she's the Katie in the birthday picture.

There we go. My friends. I'm sure that more will be added by the end of the year. Maybe even ***. Hmm. Maybe I should just say his name. Pat, Pat, Pat, Pat, Pat! There we go, it's out of my system.

Oh! And if your my friend and think you should be on here, e-mail me about it.

© All the Friends belong to themselves, All the Profiles belong to Erin Weir, 1999. All the Candids (pictures) were created by Erin Weir, 1999.

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