Tribute to The Man

That guy on the right there is Ken Shamrock, for those who didn't know. He is God. The guy on the left is the Rock. He is screaming because God has him in the ANKLE LOCK. Yes, the ankle lock. The most painfull move in sports entertainment. Many people have said, Jaime, why do you like WWF, its all an act. But you see, Ken Shamrock is not fake. A UFC veteran, he is a trained killer. He has kicked the ass of many feared fighters around the world, earning him the title "The World's Most Dangerous Man". Now he is the current Intercontinental Champion in the WWF, which is cool, but not as cool as when he was in the UFC.

Ahhh, the good old UFC days, here we have a screaming Shamrock who has snapped(as usual) after a fight. No it's not roid rage, hes just competitive. I would be pretty excited to, you see, he had just got done kicking Dan "The Beast" Severn's ass in less than 2 minutes. Poor ol' Severn could never take Shamrock in a REAL fight. Oh yea and that belt around Shamrock's waist is the UFC superfight belt, of which he was the frist man to ever win.

That is all for now, remember, show respect for God, or you may find yourself in the Ankle Lock.