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Proddy Crowd
539 Year sentence ... Colonial Irish

Papacy .... Vatican II .... History of .... Euro Docs

!Very Sick .... Hatred .... As if it matter! .... Ying & Yang Game .... Ah! poor blokes

Blair denounced for Marrying a Catholic

From Irish Voice for Dec 18 - 30, 1996:

Robert Saulters, the new grand master of the  Orange Order found
himself in the middle of a media storm last week because of remarks
he made during the July 12 marching season when he accused British
Labour Party leader Tony Blair of being a traitor to his religion for
marrying a Catholic.

Saulters said that Blair had "sold his birthright by marrying a Romanist and serving communion in a Roman Catholic Church. He would sell his soul to the devil himself. He is not loyal to his religion. He is a turncoat. The future looks bleak.""
Ulster Unionist leader David Trimble refused to condemn Saulters' remarks about Blair's marriage to a Catholic woman. "Why should I?" he asked. "I'm a member of the Orange Order, which is the organization of Protestants, and I think it's perfectely in order for a person who is head of that organization to make such comments as he thinks appropriate."
Support the two tradition they say, Bah Humbug! Then we have their Masonic buddy Clinton wining and dining Trimble and his bigoted ilk at the White House on Saint Patrick's Day, no less. There are tons of books yet to be written about such intrigue. Irish Catholics with their rosary beads hoping and praying that Bubba will set things right, is a laugher.

Protesting what? ==== Prod - Anti ==== Prod - Attack ==== Prod - Chaos
Thoughts ==== Effects ==== What? a feeling! ==== C of I Abets Attack

Evil Proddys on the Prowl

Anne Cadwallader's in the "Irish Echo" for November 27 - December 3, 1996, writing from Belfast -

 The bizarre sight of Orangemen marching through the snow greeted the
 villagers of Dunloy, County Antrim, last week as beshashed brethern
 attempted to parade from the local Orange Hall three months after the
 usual marching season.
 Orange Order parades are more normally (%*@) held in July and August,
 but protests had blocked the holding of the Orange parade through the
 mainly nationalist village of Dunloy, so the order tried again at the
 Local people, organizing under the banner of the Dunloy Residents
 and Parents Group, said they would allow the parade through, provided
 the Orange Order sought their consent first through direct, face-to-face
 meetings. The order refused to meet local people, insisting it will
 only negotiate its route with the RUC - the same RUC who stopped them
 after their pushing and shoving capers.
 DUP's Ian Paisley Jr., (like father like son) speaking at Dunloy,
 called local people "republicans, thugs and scum." He predicted
 widespread protests after the parade was blocked. These protests
 would be "out of control," he said, and made dire predictions of
 what form they would take.

 One likely form is in the stepped-up picketing of a Catholic chapel
 at Harryville, a suburb of the County Antrim town of Balymena. For
 about 15 weeks, people attending Mass there have had to run a gauntlet
 of loyalist protestors shouting abuse and throwing firecrackers.
 Loyalists have equated Catholics attending Mass in the predominently
 Protestant town of Ballymena with Orangemen parading to church in
 the predominantly Catholic village of Dunboy.

"Fenian Bastards" is their ecumenical chant. Peace Process me A.
Terrorism .... "The Committee"

The Beat goes on

Anne Cadwallader again in the "Irish Echo" for December 4 - 10, 1996, writing from Belfast -
 An inceasingly bitter sectarian campaign being waged by loyalists
 against churchgoers in Ballymena took a turn for the worse this week
 when Catholics were dragged from their cars and stoned, while rioters
 set a bus on fire....... a terrified woman was dragged from her car
 and it was wrecked......
 Loyalist say they will not allow Catholics to attend Mass unhindered
 until their co-religionists at Dunloy are allowed to parade through
 their village. Their actions appear to be coordinated by the local UVF.

 Catholics in Dunloy say that 73 local Presbyterian families attend
 services in the village's Protestant church each Sunday, unhindered
 and in peace and are resolute that they won't be "blackmailed" by the
 violence at Harryville.

 Meanwhile, speaking at the weekend's annual DUP Conference, the party
 leader, the Rev. Ian Paisley, told delegates that President Clinton
 and Sen. George Mitchell are "no friends of Ulster" and are part of
 the "Kennedy lobby in Boston out to destroy us."
 In a vetern tub-thumping speech to delegates, Paisley left no political
 figure unscathed, Clinton and Mitchell were joined in the lexicon of
 hate by John Hume, Gerry Adams, David Trimble, the fringe loyalist
 parties, Prime Minister Major, Michael Ancram and others.
Paisley should clarify the term Ulster - his benefactor England, took six of the nine Ulster counties and set up the statelet they now call Northern Ireland.

Archbishop ... Persecution ... Slick - Done Good ... Call the Shots ... Cathedrals ... Compassion


These peacemakers won Nobel Peace prizes for this.

History Plus

Loyalists Step Up Protests at Church

The Irish Voice of February 12 - 19, 1997, reports of a NEW loyalist organization in Ballymena, County Antrim, calling for a massive rally this weekend to support the loyalists protesting outside Harryville's Catholic Church.
Loyalists have been picketing the church for the past 24 weeks (6 months) because Catholics blocked Orange Order marches through their neighborhood last summer.
As loyalist screamed sectarian abuse on Catholics, 80 RUC landrovers were on hand to ensure that the parishioners entered the church safely. As the Mass progressed, shouts and singing could be heard from outside. "We are, we are, we are the Billy Boys," the loyalists sang, boasting they were up to their necks in "fenian blood."
The red, white and blue of the British flag had been painted on the sidewalks, and youth sat drinking and taunting RUC members, according to the Irish Times.
"Your scum and you know who you are," one challenged an RUC man before a number of firecrackers were thrown at the RUC. Many of the loyalists hid their faces with scarves, and a number wore sunglasses.

Received the message shown here, notice my asterisk inserted responses. My reply to the sender's highlighted address was returned undeliverable.
 X-Personal_name: Northern Irelander

 Date: Wed, 4 Dec 96 15:23:56 +0000
 X-Mozilla-Status: 0001

  Good grief Man. I was reading your web pages with much amusement,
  until I realised that they WEREN'T a send-up of the worst excesses
  of 'oirish'-american paddywhackery but something you actually MEANT!


        Proddy Paddywhackery would you not say!
        The boys with the "twalft" triumphal fetish of domination
        over Papists.

  Sad that you have so little appreciation of the diversity of Irish
  culture that you're banging on about 'saxons' !!! (yeah right, the
  same saxons who got stamped on when the normans invaded england en
  route to ireland)

        Normans became more Irish and the Irish themselves.
        No problem with folks like these.

  And then you start on prod-bashing and include links
  to such luminaries as Wilde, Beckett, Shaw, Swift etc, who may I
  remind you were all Protestants? Oh the HORROR of it all!


       How about Sir Roger Casement (hung for the cause of Ireland)
                 Lady Wilde (Speranza, Oscar's mother)
                 Wolfe Tone  (1798 Uprising)
                 Robert Emmet (Let no man write my Epitaph until...)

       Protestants such as these would not be your cup of tea I would

   You live in a dream world sweetpea! (and Gerry Adams is spelt with a G)


       What in a name says Shakespeare? Close enough for government work.
       Thanks. He is so well appreciated that his voice has not been heard
       for years.



        "gime me a panny mister" -   Irish Fund for what?

Rebel Cork ... Why Fight ... Unsettling

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