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Sky City 303 - Winter VexGames Welcome Statement

International VexGames Committee
Palace of Sport
1700 VexGames Boulevard
Morania City, Morania

Ladies and Gentlemen of the IVC:

Welcome to Sky City, Bowdani, the Capital of Bowdani and crown jewel of Smalick. Within this beautiful city lies the the hopes and dreams of all nation's athletes. There has never been a major sporting competition within these historic islands. It is really a testament to the people of not only Bowdani but of Davenport and other sourounding nations who have work hard to prepare the way for the VexGames. In the spirt of the historic nature of the games we open our nation and our hearts to the world.

Bowdani has a long tradition of athletic excelence in all types of competition. Our nation has won dozens of medals in recent VexGames and continues to achieve above and beyond the limits and expectations set before them. The hope of holding the 303 VexGames stems from our quest to better not only our own nation but the World as a whole. The VexGames is a place of peace, a place where the violence of modern society is placed aside in favor of sportsmanship and the desire to compete.

We sincerely hope that you will find all we have to offer up to your standards of excelence. We assure you that all facilities our safe and will remain that way through the competition. With the majestic Milkey Range over looking our city you will find no better place for this event. It is with pleasure that we submit our official bib for the 303 Winter VexGames.

Dr. John Locke
Chairmen of the Bowdani Vexgames Committee and Boardmember of the Sky City 303 Committee