Kick Ass things
Kick Ass
- Chocolate [how could you not love it]
- Pink roses [anything pink is kick ass]
- Bowling - need I say more
- Really buzzed hair [like bicked] on boys - cuz it just feels so cool
- Dexter's labratories
- The Techno Pony - a cool club
- chocolate milkshakes and grilled cheese
- Music Kicks ass but I can't list all of it [Weezer]
- Glow Worms
- VW's [not bugs]
- dances [gotta love em!]
- things that are fuzzy
- The Real World and the special on masterbation [only watchable things on Mtv]
-'s just a cool idea
- anything free...hmm, flavoured condoms...
- Dark room, I'm joking
- W.W.J.D
- Wunderbar!
- Smurfs
E.T. phone home!