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Creative Excellence Award

Submit Your URL To Receive The Creative Excellence Award!

To apply for the award, simply type your E-mail address and the URL to your homepage in the form below. Remember I will personally be checking each web page to make sure that there is


sex/hentai or excessive use of profane language.

If I feel that the web page meets my established criteria, I will send an E-mail with the award icon attached to it. If I do not feel that the award fits the page, there will be no answer. If a reply is not received after two weeks, I either never got your submission, or the page was disqualified. If you don't receive a reply after two submissions, don't bother applying again unless extreme changes are made to your page.

Remember, making a web page is a great accomplishment, and I commend you all for your efforts. Good Luck.

Submit your page for the general award... or the Sailor Moon award

Type Your E-Mail Address Here


Type The Award Name Here (general or moon)